Hi everybody,
I just wanted to add that I think I've encountered a similar issue, but it's not related to compression.
DNN is 6.1.1 running .NET 2.0 on IIS6 + SQLExpress 2008...
I've got a custom skin derived from DarkKnight, and although I see the opening and closing HTML tag on the home page (using the portal-wide default skin), I see no open or close of HTML on secondary pages using an alternate (and explicitly set) skin.
This is consistent with the source for dotnetnuke.com, so I expect it's widespread behaviour, although I'm not sure what the resolution is.
(I need a resolution because my skin is XHTML and works beautifully in IE when I force non-quirks mode rendering; however, it can't validate as XHTML with a missing HTML tag... Falling back to HTML 4 isn't an option. Things render fine in Firefox and Chrome, but I can't leave IE out.)
The skin was originally built directly in DNN (Admin picked it up fine, though I noticed it wasn't showing up in Extensions) and I thought that might be an issue, so I bundled the skin and installed it properly as an extension and there is still no change in behaviour.
I can edit the root Default.aspx and see changes in the home page, but no changes in other pages.
I originally thought that this might be an attempt to follow Google's rules for optimizing the web (by omitting tags), but now I don't think so.
REF: http://code.google.com/speed/articles...
I'm at a bit of a loss, and searching the issue out is excruciating troublesome.
Is there a fix?
A workaround?
A Gemini bug report I can follow?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
(Haven't been using DNN a lot lately, so I hadn't hit this earlier, but it seems to be a big outage...)