I'm creating my first skin based on a couple of templates, but i'm having issues with filepaths and was wondering if anyone could help?
Basically, it appears that if i use a relative filepath in the skin (which will be in Installation/portals/_default/skins) the path the browser uses becomes relative to the root installation
I've fixed this in the ascx file by using src="<%=SkinPath%>/images/logo.png" for example,
But i'm really struggling to do the same with paths in the css file.
i have 2 folders, images and css in the main folder, and i want to use the an image in the images folder as a backround in a css file in the css folder
I've tried using "../" to traverse directories, i've also tried putting the images folder inside the css folder, but relative paths just don't seem to work!
I'm developing locally to deploy to another server, so would like to keep as many assets together as possible, so would prefer not to create folders specifically for the skin in the root of the site.
Any ideas would be most appreciated!!