Thanks Richard.
That worked a treat, I was able to change skins and containers and rename the content panes and after a restart all was fine.
Test this on our dev system so no danger of anything going wrong.
In case anyone wants to do the same here is the SQL I used.
/*select all child tabs with parent name*/
SELECT a.tabID, a.title,a.SkinSrc,a.ContainerSrc, a.IsVisible,COALESCE(b.tabName,'-') AS 'ParentName'
FROM Tabs AS a LEFT JOIN Tabs AS b on a.parentID = b.tabID
where a.IsDeleted =0
-- To limit a selection
AND a.tabID in('101','105')
/* see skins and containers by tab *****************************************************
select tabID,tabname title,SkinSrc,ContainerSrc from Tabs where PortalID=0 AND IsDeleted =0
and tabID in('101','105')
Update Tabs set skinsrc = '[G]Skins/SkinFolderName/SkinName.ascx'where TabID = 105
/* see Panes by TabModuleID*****************************************************
select TabModuleID, TabID,PaneName,ModuleTitle from TabModules where tabID in('101','105')
Update TabModules set PaneName = 'NewPaneName'where TabModuleID=195