While I've created my own skin & spent hours reading the books and core doc on skinning, I only really clued in to the skin.xml file that some skins use yesterday. I have been looking for a high level explanation discussing why one would need/desire to use skin.xml when skin.css seems to work fine for everything I've tried to do so far.
Most of the forum posts on this seem to think everyone is born knowing how to use skin.xml, but I must be from another solar system! I've the Wrox and Packt books and done a lot of forum/DNN site browsing but haven't come across a simple explanation of this.
Anyone care to share their favorite links that discuss this?!
I was trying to figure out how to adjust the top level appearance of my SOLPARTMENU (I can adjust the background container color, the menu "button's" background color, and seemingly EVERY aspect of the submenus for my draft 4.0.2 site: www.vashon.biz, but the top level font & arrows I've not been able to adjust yet. This led me to explore the SolPartmenu's long list of attributes (in the DNN Skinning Guide) & made me realize I know how to adjust any "Default" with a CSS class (e.g., CSS class MainMenu_MenuItem), but not how to adjust "Attributes" without a "Default" (e.g., rootmenuitemcssclass). This lead me to the idea that I maybe need to (somehow) create a skin.xml file before I can create a CSS class to mess with the full richness of SolPartMenu, like rootmenuitemcssclass.
I've also partially intuited that settings from the XML file are lower in precidence than using the CSS file. Also perhaps that using the XML file is more efficient than CSS - (or maybe it that was just CSS is more efficient than HTML which I do understand).
Am I on the right track?!
- Stumped in Puget Sound