By default in DNN 3 a class called SkinObject manages alot of the link type classes - you know -user, login, copyright - etc..
What I generally do - and I have examples in many of the free skins I provide on my site - is split the classes up in LightBG and DarkBG - taking away the purpose/function of the class - eg.. it's a skinobject - so the skinobject class applies, and simplify it for my purposes and those who building multiple skins and sites because logically - I'm going to be putting the file on a light or dark background, so having my set of master classes in place, make it easier to work with.
Are you writing your skin in html or ascx mode - if you tell me which one, I can show you what you need to do for each since they both have different methods of getting to the same result.
And, for your information, while there are default settings in the classes use for skinning, you can override each and every one of them for your skin.
I hope this gives you some simple answers.
Nina Meiers
Nina Meiers My Little Website
If it's on DNN, I fix, build, deploy, support,skin, host, design, consult, implement, integrate and done since 2003.
Who am I? Just a city chic, having a crack at organic berry farming.. and creating awesome websites.