We are using a custom module to display a site map of the site. The site have some pages that are available to super user only (they don't show in the navigation unless the current user is a super user) . To get the list of tabs we use:
ArrayList tabs = Globals.GetPortalTabs(PortalSettings.DesktopTabs, -1, false, false, false, false, false);
However doing this displays all the tabs regardless of user permission (ie the tabs array contains both the super user tabs and the the regular user tabs event if the user in not logged in)
We tried to change the code to:
ArrayList tabs = Globals.GetPortalTabs(PortalSettings.DesktopTabs, -1, false, false, false, false, true);
But in this case the tabs array is empty. Is this a bug or are we not using the GetPortalTabs properly?
Thank you.
Vesrion 4.09.02 (03/13/2009)
Learning how to best support the
PeerMomentum.com community with DNN. Please contact me if you know of any good stable and skinable social networking/user profile modules.
Thank you all for the great contribution!