i have an issue working with ajaxtoolkit + dnn 4.5
in codebehind rowdatabound event
... Some Code ...
Dim t As New Anthem.Label
Dim f As New AjaxControlToolkit.PopupControlExtender
t.Text = e.Row.Cells(1).Text
t.ID = "txtPop"
f.DynamicContextKey = GridView1.DataKeys(index).Item(14)
f.DynamicControlID = "pp"
f.DynamicServiceMethod = "GetContent"
Dim cazz As String = "abba" & CStr(e.Row.DataItemIndex)
f.ID = "pop"
f.BehaviorID = cazz
f.TargetControlID = "txtPop"
f.PopupControlID = Me.popo.ID
f.Position = AjaxControlToolkit.PopupControlPopupPosition.Center
e.Row.Cells(1).Attributes.Add("onMouseOver", "$find('" & cazz & "').showPopup();")
e.Row.Cells(1).Attributes.Add("onMouseOut ", "$find('" & cazz & "').hidePopup();")
... some code
this create a popup panel, digging around the web, i found the use of "DynamicContextKey"
<System.Web.Services.WebMethodAttribute(), System.Web.Script.Services.ScriptMethodAttribute()> _
Public Shared Function GetContent(ByVal contextKey As String) As String
Return "mi piace la patata"
End Function
in design page i have:
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="popo" runat="server">
<%--<uc1:PopUP ID="PopUP1" runat="server" />--%>
azz <asp:Label ID="pp" runat="server" /> azz
when i move mouse over label, it display the ajax panel, but with "web service call failed 500" inside.
i suspect it was an attribute problem... but i don't know how to solve.
Someone could help me? thansk for yours attention.