Thank you. I did not find it since I was not looking in the library. Thanks for that! I have found next code.
I would like to discuss a bit before starting programming.
If Not parent Is Nothing Then
'try to localize admin modules
If PortalSettings.ActiveTab.IsAdminTab Then
objModule.ModuleTitle = Localization.LocalizeControlTitle(objModule.ModuleTitle, objModule.ControlSrc, "")
End If
'try to inject the module into the skin
InjectModule(parent, objModule, PortalSettings)
Catch ex As Exception
bSuccess = False
End Try
Else ' no ContentPane in skin
Dim lex As ModuleLoadException
lex = New ModuleLoadException(PANE_LOAD_ERROR)
Controls.Add(New ErrorContainer(PortalSettings, MODULELOAD_ERROR, lex).Container)
End If
So after checking the security you can do: InjectModule(parent, objModule, PortalSettings)
I can across next post:
But seems that those guys hook off since it did not work.
I have next pseudo code:
int dbModuleId = -1; //to be defined yet.
int dbTabId = -1; //to be defined yet
Skin skin = (Skin)Parent;
ModuleController moduleController = new ModuleController();
ModuleInfo objModule = moduleController.GetModule(dbModuleId, dbTabId);
skin.InjectModule(this, objModule, PortalSettings);
I am wondering if this is the correct approach.
Looks to me that I do not know for sure where it will dynamically load this module now. ??
If somebody can give me some more help that would be appreciated.