I have a module that has a number of panels , let me call them A,B,C, that are made viisble and invisible by user events on the module controls.
at a certain point when panel C is visible I want the user to activate the dnn print icon to print the contents of the panel displayed in the module.
However, the print page contains the original panel A not panel C.
So is there a way to specify not only moudule ID but panel name to the DNN printmodule via the query string or some otherr means?
Or is there a way to make panel C the default panel to display in the print page .
A second approach is to have the user use the print preview menu option of their browser , but I need to do some print friendly processing before the printing so is there a way to have the browser's print preview selected event postback to the server so that I can activate a handler to do my custom formatting?
Thanks for the assistance
Dave Clay