I implemented the TemplatePrint SkinObject. It preserves all the parameters on the parent page. My next issue is that in the print page (a new page opens), I have all my menus. I'm sure it is because of my container. I looked at the sample from dnnjungle TemplatePring but is shows me how to set it up using html. I'm using ascx. In my container ascx file I have a registered the TemplatePrint.ascx as follow:
@ Register TagPrefix="dnn" TagName="TEMPLATEPRINT" Src="~/DesktopModules/VMasanas - TemplatePrint/TemplatePrint.ascx"
and in my <table> tag I have:
<dnn:TEMPLATEPRINT runat="server" id="dnnACTIONBUTTON3" CommandName="PrintModule.Action" DisplayIcon="True" DisplayLink="False"
I did create a printcontainer and a printskin. How do I tell DNN to use my print ascx files when the user clicks the printer icon?
Lastly, if you know of any webcasts or documentation that shows how a developer can create containers and skins (not creating html file but ascx file), I'd appreciate it.
Thanks for your time and help,