What you could do is set a prefix in the tabmodule settings and in your pagebehind code just set the prefix to a public string and include in this prefix in your CssClass of yur ascx file. You would need to create a module control (under host--> module definitions --> your module) with Settings as key and type being Edit and point it to your settings ascx file. Your code behind (C# version) could include within the namespace tag:
partial class Settings : ModuleSettingsBase
public override void LoadSettings()
if (Page.IsPostBack == false)
if (!(TabModuleSettings["currency"] == null))
txtClassPrefix.Text = (string)TabModuleSettings["classprefix"];
catch (Exception exc) //Module failed to load
Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, exc);
public override void UpdateSettings()
ModuleController objModules = new ModuleController();
objModules.UpdateTabModuleSetting(TabModuleId, "classprefix", txtClassPrefix.Text);
SynchronizeModule(); //(don't remeber if this is depreciated though)
catch (Exception exc) //Module failed to load
Exceptions.ProcessModuleLoadException(this, exc);
and of course have a textbox in your ascx file named txtClassPrefix.
In your module you could then (in the code behind) use something like:
public string classPrefix;
and in your page_load:
if (!(Settings["classprefix"]==null))
classPrefix = (string)Settings["classprefix"];
classPrefix = some default value;
and to use the style in your ascx file just use:
<asp:label id=someid runat=server CssClass="<%=ClassPrefix%>Myclass"
Just create an entry in your css file for each prefix and class combi and you'r done.