after i update the dnn 3.2 form .net 1.1 to 2.0, all the nodes of treeview disappeared, only show treeview title...
i check the source from browser find that the treeview part is very werid
<table id="dnn_dnnTREEVIEW_tblMain" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" width="100%">
<td id="dnn_dnnTREEVIEW_cellHeader" valign="top">
<td id="dnn_dnnTREEVIEW_cellBody" valign="top" class="TreeViewBody">
<div width="100%" name="dnn$dnnTREEVIEW$ctldnnTREEVIEW" id="dnn$dnnTREEVIEW$ctldnnTREEVIEW" postback="__doPostBack('dnn$dnnTREEVIEW$ctldnnTREEVIEW','[NODEID]Click')" callback="dnn.xmlhttp.doCallBack('ctldnnTREEVIEW dnn_dnnTREEVIEW_ctldnnTREEVIEW','[NODEXML]',this.callBackSuccess,oTNode,this.callBackFail,this.callBackStatus);">
and i found the script
so i think it must be something wrong with "id = dnn$dnnTREEVIEW$ctldnnTREEVIEW". i check other dnn site, treeview menu should like "id = dnn_dnnTREEVIEW_ctldnnTREEVIEW".
is this issue caused by 2.0 or dnn setting? can i config the separator? what can i do, please help. Thanks