I have built a website that calculates Taxi Fare costs for the UK.
The user selects their Local Authority, enters a start point, a destination, and the tariff type that is relevant. I then use Microsoft MapPoint to calculate the distance and display what the taxi fare should be.
I was hoping for some advice on the possible ways to extend the system to do the following....
I want to sign up taxi companies relating to each Local Authority and charge a small monthly amount to display their contact details below the calculated fare price. So, when a user sees the price, they also get a list of taxi companies which relate to that Local Authority.
So, I would like to use the built in abilities of DNN to manage the signup process and the billing for the taxi companies. I would then manually allocate them to a Local Authority.
So, the module would then, based on the Local Authority, pull a list from the database of the Taxi Companies and check if they have paid their subscription and then display the list.
But, could it be done a simpler way? For example, can the report module be used to do this? I am sure a bit of SQL could be written to get the list but how would i send a parameter to the report module to say what the Local Authority is?
How would you do it?
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.