I have a custom syndicated content module that I license out to my users on their portals. The content is the same for all portals and is controlled and edited from my Admin site through the database.
I have been trying to dynamically link to various pages within the module content from each respective portal using submenu (from the main DNN menu bar) links. However, the submenu links only work once you have first clicked the main menu link. Example:
MainMenu1-syndicated content module
- submenu1
- submenu2
- submenu3
- etc.
If I happen to be viewing another page NOT within the syndicated content module, say MainMenu2, I can not directly goto any submenu items under MainMenu1. The page I am viewing just reloads.
The submenu page links I am using for each portal are: ~/default.aspx?tabname=syndicatedcontentmodule&pageid=142
I have a friendlyURL setting of:
- MATCH: .*/pageid/142/Default.aspx
- REPLACE WITH: ~/default.aspx?tabname=syndicatedcontentmodule&pageid=142
The submenu links work fine in all portals as long as you have first clicked mainmenu1 first. Otherwise the submenu links don't work. Really stuck on this. Any ideas? Thanks.