I'm having a heck of a time with creating the installation manifest (.dnn) file for a module. I've worked through and resolved numerous issues and am down to what I hope is the last one. I'm trying to use the <supportedFeatures> tag to specify the module supports IPortable and ISearchable. The section of code is here:
<supportedFeature type="Portable"/>
<supportedFeature type="Searchable"/>
I have specified a <businessControllerClass> as well and the class implements those interfaces.
After installation, neither the Portable or Searchable checkboxes are checked in the module definition. However, if I
- edit the Business Controller Class textbox contents in the module definition
- click to update the definition
- click the Cancel link on the module definition page to return to the module definitions list
- go back to the module definition page
The two checkboxes are checked.
Thinking it may be a problem with what I list as my BusinessControllerClass, I have tried, for example:
- MyCompany.MyModule.MyModuleController, MyCompany.MyModule (the DNN4.x way of defining this) as well as
- MyCompany.MyModule.MyModuleController (a form I've seen in a few examples, which leaves off the assembly name)
It doesn't seem to matter which I use. Each time, the checkboxes aren't checked. For #1 I delete the ", MyCompany.MyModule" for the Business Controller Class in the Module Definition page and follow steps 1-4 outlined above and the checkboxes become checked. If I use example #2 in the .dnn file, I add the ", MyCompany.MyModule" to the business controller class on the module definition page and follow #1-#4 again and the checkboxes become checked.
Note also that this isn't merely a UI thing. My module's Actions Menu won't show the Import/Export menu items if the boxes aren't checked and will show those menu items (and they funciton correctly) if those boxes are checked.
Any ideas?