Hi everyone,
I am trying to write a sql script to run against my database.
The issue i am having is that I need to insert a text/html module on to each Politicans profile. Simple easy enough.
Then i need to insert an image, simple no problem
I need to make the image into a hyperlink with the URL pointing to the Politicians Rating Page.
I have the string for the image and the URL but, the URL that points to the politicans rating page will have to change every iteration. Below is an example of the string for the image and hyperlink to the rating page.
<a href="http://r8yourpolitician.co.uk/Rate/Ratealexattwood/tabid/915/Default.aspx"><img height="105" width="229" src="/Portals/0/ratemeUK.png" alt=""/></a>
Can someone tell me how I can pull a URL for a page in the DNN database.
This url below is an example of the URL i need.
here is an example of the entry in the Tab table
915 49 0 Rate Alex Attwood 0 182 1 0 Rate Alex Attwood Rate Alex Attwood Rate Alex Attwood 0 NULL NULL //Rate//RateAlexAttwood NULL NULL NULL NULL 0
I would assume that the TabID ( 915) and the Tab Path are the main fields i want. These will change for every politican.
915 + //Rate//RateAlexAttwood
but how do i go from having "915" + "//Rate//Rate/AlexAttwood" to having
I am thinking that i need to do a select on the tabs table and extract these two coulmns trim the two "//" and then insert them into two variables,then when i am doing my insert of the string with the image break it up
for example
do selectand get the tabid and tabpath
var1 = tabID
var2 = TabPath
INSERT INTO [dbo].[dnnfusion_mp_Module_MyText]
( [UserProfileModuleId] ,[Body] )
(UserProfileModuleId, "http://r8yourpolitician.co.uk/" + TabPath + "tabid/" + tabID "/Default.aspx" ,)
The problem is that the tab path has double forward slashes in it , how can i get rid of them. Is their a way I can clean up the TabPath so that it does not have the double forward slashes.
The tab path comes out like this :> "//Rate//Rate/AlexAttwood" i want it to be like this "/Rate/Rate/AlexAttwood"
any ideas community?