I have recycled code from /admin/authentication/Login.ascx but cannot get ctlPassword object to behave correct ... I do have a reference to the object but som of its parameters are missing and how do I adjust this wrongly configuration of mine? Or how do I approach the problem so I find what is wrong?

the code for this file:
Imports System.Web.UI
Imports System.Globalization
Imports System.Collections.Generic
Imports System.Reflection
Imports DotNetNuke
Imports DotNetNuke.Services.Exceptions
Imports DotNetNuke.Services.Localization
Imports System.IO
Imports DotNetNuke.Entities.Modules
Imports DotNetNuke.Entities.Profile
Imports DotNetNuke.Security.Membership
Imports DotNetNuke.Services.Authentication
Imports DotNetNuke.Services.Mail
Imports DotNetNuke.UI.UserControls
Imports DotNetNuke.UI.Skins.Controls.ModuleMessage
Imports DotNetNuke.Entities.Users
Namespace DotNetNuke.BetFriends.Modules.BFSMiniLogin
Partial Public Class MiniLogin2
Inherits UserModuleBase
#Region "Private Members"
Private loginControls As New List(Of AuthenticationLoginBase)
#End Region
#Region "Protected Properties"
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' Gets and sets the current AuthenticationType
''' </summary>
''' <history>
''' [cnurse] 07/12/2007 Created
''' </history>
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Protected Property AuthenticationType() As String
Dim _AuthenticationType As String = Null.NullString
If Not view_state("AuthenticationType") Is Nothing Then
_AuthenticationType = CStr(view_state("AuthenticationType"))
End If
Return _AuthenticationType
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
view_state("AuthenticationType") = Value
End Set
End Property
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' Gets and sets a flag that determines whether the user should be automatically registered
''' </summary>
''' <history>
''' [cnurse] 07/16/2007 Created
''' </history>
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Protected Property AutoRegister() As Boolean
Dim _AutoRegister As Boolean = Null.NullBoolean
If Not view_state("AutoRegister") Is Nothing Then
_AutoRegister = CBool(view_state("AutoRegister"))
End If
Return _AutoRegister
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Boolean)
view_state("AutoRegister") = Value
End Set
End Property
Protected Property ProfileProperties() As NameValueCollection
Dim _Profile As New NameValueCollection
If Not view_state("ProfileProperties") Is Nothing Then
_Profile = CType(view_state("ProfileProperties"), NameValueCollection)
End If
Return _Profile
End Get
Set(ByVal value As NameValueCollection)
view_state("ProfileProperties") = value
End Set
End Property
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' Gets and sets the current Page No
''' </summary>
''' <history>
''' [cnurse] 03/09/2006 Created
''' [cnurse] 07/03/2007 Moved from Sign.ascx.vb
''' </history>
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Protected Property PageNo() As Integer
Dim _PageNo As Integer = 0
If Not view_state("PageNo") Is Nothing Then
_PageNo = CInt(view_state("PageNo"))
End If
Return _PageNo
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As Integer)
view_state("PageNo") = Value
End Set
End Property
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' Gets the Redirect URL (after successful login)
''' </summary>
''' <history>
''' [cnurse] 04/18/2006 Created
''' [cnurse] 07/03/2007 Moved from Sign.ascx.vb
''' </history>
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Protected ReadOnly Property RedirectURL() As String
Dim _RedirectURL As String = ""
Dim setting As Object = UserModuleBase.GetSetting(PortalId, "Redirect_AfterLogin")
If CType(setting, Integer) = Null.NullInteger Then
If Not Request.QueryString("returnurl") Is Nothing Then
' return to the url passed to signin
_RedirectURL = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString("returnurl"))
' redirect url should never contain a protocol ( if it does, it is likely a cross-site request forgery attempt )
If _RedirectURL.Contains("://") Then
_RedirectURL = ""
End If
End If
If Not Request.Params("appctx") Is Nothing Then
'HACK return to the url passed to signin (LiveID)
_RedirectURL = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(Request.Params("appctx"))
' redirect url should never contain a protocol ( if it does, it is likely a cross-site request forgery attempt )
If _RedirectURL.Contains("://") Then
_RedirectURL = ""
End If
End If
If _RedirectURL = "" Then
If PortalSettings.LoginTabId <> -1 And PortalSettings.HomeTabId <> -1 Then
' redirect to portal home page specified
_RedirectURL = NavigateURL(PortalSettings.HomeTabId)
' redirect to current page
_RedirectURL = NavigateURL()
End If
End If
Else ' redirect to after login page
_RedirectURL = NavigateURL(CType(setting, Integer))
End If
'replace language parameter in querystring, to make sure that user will see page in correct language
If UserId <> -1 Then
If User.Profile.PreferredLocale <> CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name Then
_RedirectURL = UrlUtils.replaceQSParam(_RedirectURL, "language", User.Profile.PreferredLocale)
End If
End If
'check for insecure account defaults
Dim qsDelimiter As String = "?"
If _RedirectURL.Contains("?") Then
qsDelimiter = "&"
End If
_RedirectURL = _RedirectURL & qsDelimiter & "runningDefault=1"
ElseIf LoginStatus = UserLoginStatus.LOGIN_INSECUREHOSTPASSWORD Then
_RedirectURL = _RedirectURL & qsDelimiter & "runningDefault=2"
End If
Return _RedirectURL
End Get
End Property
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' Gets whether the Captcha control is used to validate the login
''' </summary>
''' <history>
''' [cnurse] 07/12/2007 Created
''' </history>
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Protected ReadOnly Property UseCaptcha() As Boolean
Dim setting As Object = GetSetting(PortalId, "Security_CaptchaLogin")
Return CType(setting, Boolean)
End Get
End Property
Protected Property LoginStatus() As UserLoginStatus
Dim _LoginStatus As UserLoginStatus = UserLoginStatus.LOGIN_FAILURE
If Not view_state("LoginStatus") Is Nothing Then
_LoginStatus = CType(view_state("LoginStatus"), UserLoginStatus)
End If
Return _LoginStatus
End Get
Set(ByVal value As UserLoginStatus)
view_state("LoginStatus") = value
End Set
End Property
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' Gets and sets the current UserToken
''' </summary>
''' <history>
''' [cnurse] 07/12/2007 Created
''' </history>
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Protected Property UserToken() As String
Dim _UserToken As String = 0
If Not view_state("UserToken") Is Nothing Then
_UserToken = CStr(view_state("UserToken"))
End If
Return _UserToken
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
view_state("UserToken") = Value
End Set
End Property
#End Region
#Region "Private Methods"
Private Sub DisplayLoginControl(ByVal authLoginControl As AuthenticationLoginBase, ByVal addHeader As Boolean, ByVal addFooter As Boolean)
'Create a <div> to hold the control
Dim container As HtmlGenericControl = New HtmlGenericControl()
container.ID = authLoginControl.AuthenticationType
'Add Settings Control to Container
'Add a Section Header
Dim sectionHeadControl As SectionHeadControl = Nothing
If addHeader Then
sectionHeadControl = CType(LoadControl("~/controls/SectionHeadControl.ascx"), SectionHeadControl)
sectionHeadControl.IncludeRule = True
sectionHeadControl.CssClass = "Head"
sectionHeadControl.Text = Localization.GetString("Title", authLoginControl.LocalResourceFile)
sectionHeadControl.Section = container.ID
'Add Section Head Control to Container
End If
'Add Container to Controls
'Add LineBreak
If addFooter Then
pnlLoginContainer.Controls.Add(New LiteralControl("<br/>"))
End If
pnlLoginContainer.Visible = True
End Sub
Private Sub DisplayTabbedLoginControl(ByVal authLoginControl As AuthenticationLoginBase, ByVal Tabs As DotNetNuke.UI.WebControls.TabStripTabCollection)
Dim tab As New DotNetNuke.UI.WebControls.DNNTab(Localization.GetString("Title", authLoginControl.LocalResourceFile))
tab.ID = authLoginControl.AuthenticationType
tsLogin.Visible = True
End Sub
Private Sub BindLogin()
If PortalSettings.UserRegistration = PortalRegistrationType.NoRegistration Then
tdRegister.Visible = False
End If
lblLogin.Text = Localization.GetSystemMessage(PortalSettings, "MESSAGE_LOGIN_INSTRUCTIONS")
Dim authSystems As List(Of AuthenticationInfo) = AuthenticationController.GetEnabledAuthenticationServices()
Dim defaultLoginControl As AuthenticationLoginBase = Nothing
For Each authSystem As AuthenticationInfo In authSystems
Dim authLoginControl As AuthenticationLoginBase = CType(LoadControl("~/" & authSystem.LoginControlSrc), AuthenticationLoginBase)
' set the control ID to the resource file name ( ie. controlname.ascx = controlname )
' this is necessary for the Localization in PageBase
authLoginControl.AuthenticationType = authSystem.AuthenticationType
authLoginControl.ID = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(authSystem.LoginControlSrc) + "_" + authSystem.AuthenticationType
authLoginControl.LocalResourceFile = authLoginControl.TemplateSourceDirectory & "/" & Services.Localization.Localization.LocalResourceDirectory & "/" & Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(authSystem.LoginControlSrc)
authLoginControl.RedirectURL = RedirectURL
authLoginControl.ModuleConfiguration = Me.ModuleConfiguration
AddHandler authLoginControl.UserAuthenticated, AddressOf Me.UserAuthenticated
If authSystem.AuthenticationType = "DNN" Then
defaultLoginControl = authLoginControl
End If
'Check if AuthSystem is Enabled
If authLoginControl.Enabled Then
'Add Login Control to List
End If
Dim authCount As Integer = loginControls.Count
Select Case authCount
Case 0
'No enabled controls - inject default dnn control
DisplayLoginControl(defaultLoginControl, False, False)
Case 1
'We don't want the control to render with tabbed interface
DisplayLoginControl(loginControls(0), False, False)
Case Else
For Each authLoginControl As AuthenticationLoginBase In loginControls
DisplayTabbedLoginControl(authLoginControl, tsLogin.Tabs)
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub BindRegister()
lblType.Text = AuthenticationType
lblToken.Text = UserToken
' Verify that the current user has access to this page
If PortalSettings.UserRegistration = PortalRegistrationType.NoRegistration And Request.IsAuthenticated = False Then
Response.Redirect(NavigateURL("Access Denied"), True)
End If
lblRegisterHelp.Text = Localization.GetSystemMessage(PortalSettings, "MESSAGE_REGISTRATION_INSTRUCTIONS")
Select Case PortalSettings.UserRegistration
Case PortalRegistrationType.PrivateRegistration
lblRegisterHelp.Text += Localization.GetString("PrivateMembership", Localization.SharedResourceFile)
Case PortalRegistrationType.PublicRegistration
lblRegisterHelp.Text += Localization.GetString("PublicMembership", Localization.SharedResourceFile)
Case PortalRegistrationType.VerifiedRegistration
lblRegisterHelp.Text += Localization.GetString("VerifiedMembership", Localization.SharedResourceFile)
End Select
If AutoRegister Then
End If
Dim UserValid As String = True
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(User.Username) OrElse String.IsNullOrEmpty(User.Email) OrElse String.IsNullOrEmpty(User.FirstName) OrElse String.IsNullOrEmpty(User.LastName) Then
UserValid = Null.NullBoolean
End If
If AutoRegister AndAlso UserValid Then
ctlUser.Visible = False
lblRegisterTitle.Text = Localization.GetString("CreateTitle", LocalResourceFile)
cmdCreateUser.Text = Localization.GetString("cmdCreate", LocalResourceFile)
lblRegisterHelp.Text += Localization.GetString("Required", Localization.SharedResourceFile)
lblRegisterTitle.Text = Localization.GetString("RegisterTitle", LocalResourceFile)
cmdCreateUser.Text = Localization.GetString("cmdRegister", LocalResourceFile)
ctlUser.ShowPassword = False
ctlUser.ShowUpdate = False
ctlUser.User = User
End If
End Sub
Private Sub InitialiseUser()
'Set UserName to authentication Token
User.Username = UserToken.Replace("http://", "").TrimEnd("/"c)
'Load any Profile properties that may have been returned
UpdateProfile(User, False)
'Set DisplayName to UserToken if null
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(User.DisplayName) Then
User.DisplayName = UserToken.Replace("http://", "").TrimEnd("/"c)
End If
'Parse DisplayName into FirstName/LastName
If User.DisplayName.IndexOf(" "c) > 0 Then
User.FirstName = User.DisplayName.Substring(0, User.DisplayName.IndexOf(" "c))
User.LastName = User.DisplayName.Substring(User.DisplayName.IndexOf(" "c) + 1)
End If
'Set FirstName to Authentication Type (if null)
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(User.FirstName) Then
User.FirstName = AuthenticationType
End If
'Set FirstName to "User" (if null)
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(User.LastName) Then
User.LastName = "User"
End If
End Sub
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' ShowPanel controls what "panel" is to be displayed
''' </summary>
''' <history>
''' [cnurse] 03/21/2006
''' [cnurse] 07/03/2007 Moved from Sign.ascx.vb
''' </history>
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Sub ShowPanel()
Dim showLogin As Boolean = (PageNo = 0)
Dim showRegister As Boolean = (PageNo = 1)
Dim showPassword As Boolean = (PageNo = 2)
Dim showProfile As Boolean = (PageNo = 3)
pnlProfile.Visible = showProfile
pnlPassword.Visible = showPassword
pnlLogin.Visible = showLogin
pnlRegister.Visible = showRegister
pnlAssociate.Visible = showRegister
Select Case PageNo
Case 0
Case 1
Case 2
ctlPassword..UserId = UserId
Case 3
ctlProfile.UserId = UserId
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub UpdateProfile(ByVal objUser As UserInfo, ByVal update As Boolean)
Dim bUpdateUser As Boolean
If ProfileProperties.Count > 0 Then
For Each key As String In ProfileProperties
Select Case key
Case "FirstName"
If objUser.FirstName <> ProfileProperties(key) Then
objUser.FirstName = ProfileProperties(key)
bUpdateUser = True
End If
Case "LastName"
If objUser.LastName <> ProfileProperties(key) Then
objUser.LastName = ProfileProperties(key)
bUpdateUser = True
End If
Case "Email"
If objUser.Email <> ProfileProperties(key) Then
objUser.Email = ProfileProperties(key)
bUpdateUser = True
End If
Case "DisplayName"
If objUser.DisplayName <> ProfileProperties(key) Then
objUser.DisplayName = ProfileProperties(key)
bUpdateUser = True
End If
Case Else
objUser.Profile.SetProfileProperty(key, ProfileProperties(key))
End Select
If update Then
If bUpdateUser Then
UserController.UpdateUser(PortalId, objUser)
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' ValidateUser runs when the user has been authorized by the data store. It validates for
''' things such as an expiring password, valid profile, or missing DNN User Association
''' </summary>
''' <param name="objUser">The logged in User</param>
''' <param name="ignoreExpiring">Ignore the situation where the password is expiring (but not yet expired)</param>
''' <history>
''' [cnurse] 03/15/2006
''' [cnurse] 07/03/2007 Moved from Sign.ascx.vb
''' </history>
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Sub ValidateUser(ByVal objUser As UserInfo, ByVal ignoreExpiring As Boolean)
Dim validStatus As UserValidStatus = UserValidStatus.VALID
Dim strMessage As String = Null.NullString
Dim expiryDate As DateTime = Null.NullDate
If Not objUser.IsSuperUser Then
validStatus = UserController.ValidateUser(objUser, PortalId, ignoreExpiring)
End If
UserId = objUser.UserID
'Check if the User has valid Password/Profile
Select Case validStatus
Case UserValidStatus.VALID
'Set the Page Culture(Language) based on the Users Preferred Locale
If (Not objUser.Profile Is Nothing) AndAlso (Not objUser.Profile.PreferredLocale Is Nothing) Then
End If
'Set the Authentication Type used
'Complete Login
UserController.UserLogin(PortalId, objUser, PortalSettings.PortalName, AuthenticationLoginBase.GetIPAddress(), chkCookie.Checked)
' redirect browser
Response.Redirect(RedirectURL, True)
strMessage = String.format(Localization.GetString("PasswordExpired", Me.LocalResourceFile), expiryDate.ToLongDateString)
AddLocalizedModuleMessage(strMessage, ModuleMessageType.YellowWarning, True)
PageNo = 2
pnlProceed.Visible = False
strMessage = String.format(Localization.GetString("PasswordExpiring", Me.LocalResourceFile), expiryDate.ToLongDateString)
AddLocalizedModuleMessage(strMessage, ModuleMessageType.YellowWarning, True)
PageNo = 2
pnlProceed.Visible = True
AddModuleMessage("PasswordUpdate", ModuleMessageType.YellowWarning, True)
PageNo = 2
pnlProceed.Visible = False
Case UserValidStatus.UPDATEPROFILE
'Admin has forced profile update
AddModuleMessage("ProfileUpdate", ModuleMessageType.YellowWarning, True)
PageNo = 3
End Select
End Sub
#End Region
#Region "Event Handlers"
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' Page_Init runs when the control is initialised
''' </summary>
''' <remarks>
''' </remarks>
''' <history>
''' [cnurse] 9/8/2004 Updated to reflect design changes for Help, 508 support
''' and localisation
''' [cnurse] 07/08/2007 Moved from Sign.ascx.vb
''' </history>
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Protected Sub Page_Init(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Init
'Set the User Control Properties
ctlUser.ID = "User"
'Set the Profile Control Properties
ctlPassword.ID = "Password"
'Set the Profile Control Properties
ctlProfile.ID = "Profile"
'Override the redirected page title if page has loaded with ctl=Login
If Not Request.QueryString("ctl") Is Nothing Then
If Request.QueryString("ctl").ToLower = "login" Then
Dim myPage As DotNetNuke.Framework.CDefault
myPage = CType(Me.Page, CDefault)
If myPage.PortalSettings.LoginTabId = Me.TabId Or myPage.PortalSettings.LoginTabId = -1 Then
myPage.Title = Localization.GetString("ControlTitle_login", Me.LocalResourceFile)
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' Page_Load runs when the control is loaded
''' </summary>
''' <remarks>
''' </remarks>
''' <history>
''' [cnurse] 9/8/2004 Updated to reflect design changes for Help, 508 support
''' and localisation
''' [cnurse] 07/08/2007 Moved from Sign.ascx.vb
''' </history>
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
' Verify if portal has a customized login page
If Not Null.IsNull(PortalSettings.LoginTabId) And IsAdminControl() Then
' login page exists and trying to access this control directly with url param -> not allowed
Dim params(2) As String
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString("returnUrl")) Then
params(0) = "returnUrl=" & Request.QueryString("returnUrl")
End If
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString("username")) Then
params(1) = "username=" & Request.QueryString("username")
End If
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString("verificationcode")) Then
params(2) = "verificationcode=" & Request.QueryString("verificationcode")
End If
Response.Redirect(NavigateURL(PortalSettings.LoginTabId, "", params))
End If
If Not Request.IsAuthenticated Then
If Page.IsPostBack = False Then
PageNo = 0
'control not there
End Try
End If
Else ' user is already authenticated
' if a Login Page has not been specified for the portal
If IsAdminControl() Then
' redirect to current page
Response.Redirect(NavigateURL(), True)
Else ' make module container invisible if user is not a page admin
If Not DotNetNuke.Security.Permissions.TabPermissionController.HasTabPermission("EDIT") Then
ContainerControl.Visible = False
End If
End If
End If
trCaptcha.Visible = UseCaptcha
If UseCaptcha Then
ctlCaptcha.ErrorMessage = Localization.GetString("InvalidCaptcha", Localization.SharedResourceFile)
ctlCaptcha.Text = Localization.GetString("CaptchaText", Localization.SharedResourceFile)
End If
End Sub
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' cmdAssociate_Click runs when the associate button is clicked
''' </summary>
''' <remarks>
''' </remarks>
''' <history>
''' [cnurse] 07/12/2007 Created
''' </history>
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Protected Sub cmdAssociate_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdAssociate.Click
If (UseCaptcha And ctlCaptcha.IsValid) OrElse (Not UseCaptcha) Then
Dim loginStatus As UserLoginStatus = UserLoginStatus.LOGIN_FAILURE
Dim objUser As UserInfo = UserController.ValidateUser(PortalId, txtUsername.Text, txtPassword.Text, "DNN", "", PortalSettings.PortalName, AuthenticationLoginBase.GetIPAddress(), loginStatus)
If loginStatus = UserLoginStatus.LOGIN_SUCCESS Then
'Assocate alternate Login with User and proceed with Login
AuthenticationController.AddUserAuthentication(objUser.UserID, AuthenticationType, UserToken)
If Not objUser Is Nothing Then
UpdateProfile(objUser, True)
End If
ValidateUser(objUser, True)
AddModuleMessage("AssociationFailed", ModuleMessageType.RedError, True)
End If
End If
End Sub
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' cmdCreateUser runs when the register (as new user) button is clicked
''' </summary>
''' <remarks>
''' </remarks>
''' <history>
''' [cnurse] 07/12/2007 Created
''' </history>
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Protected Sub cmdCreateUser_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdCreateUser.Click
'Generate a random password for the user
User.Membership.Password = UserController.GeneratePassword()
If AutoRegister Then
ctlUser.User = User
'Call the Create User method of the User control so that it can create
'the user and raise the appropriate event(s)
If ctlUser.IsValid Then
'Call the Create User method of the User control so that it can create
'the user and raise the appropriate event(s)
End If
End If
End Sub
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' cmdPassword_Click runs when the Password Reminder button is clicked
''' </summary>
''' <remarks>
''' </remarks>
''' <history>
''' [cnurse] 03/21/2006 Created
''' [cnurse] 07/03/2007 Moved from Sign.ascx.vb
''' </history>
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Sub cmdPassword_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles cmdPassword.Click
Response.Redirect(NavigateURL("SendPassword"), True)
End Sub
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' cmdProceed_Click runs when the Proceed Anyway button is clicked
''' </summary>
''' <remarks>
''' </remarks>
''' <history>
''' [cnurse] 06/30/2006 Created
''' </history>
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Sub cmdProceed_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdProceed.Click
Dim _User As UserInfo = ctlPassword.User
ValidateUser(_User, True)
End Sub
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' cmdRegister_Click runs when the register button is clicked
''' </summary>
''' <remarks>
''' </remarks>
''' <history>
''' [cnurse] 9/24/2004 Updated to reflect design changes for Help, 508 support
''' and localisation
''' [cnurse] 12/11/2005 Updated to reflect abstraction of Membership
''' [cnurse] 07/03/2007 Moved from Sign.ascx.vb
''' </history>
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Sub cmdRegister_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles cmdRegister.Click
If PortalSettings.UserRegistration <> PortalRegistrationType.NoRegistration Then
Dim ReturnUrl As String = HttpContext.Current.Request.RawUrl
If ReturnUrl.IndexOf("?returnurl=") <> -1 Then
ReturnUrl = ReturnUrl.Substring(0, ReturnUrl.IndexOf("?returnurl="))
End If
ReturnUrl = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(ReturnUrl)
If PortalSettings.UserTabId <> -1 Then
' user defined tab
Response.Redirect(NavigateURL(PortalSettings.UserTabId, "", "returnurl=" & ReturnUrl), True)
' portal tab
If PortalSettings.HomeTabId <> -1 Then
Response.Redirect(NavigateURL(PortalSettings.HomeTabId, "Register", "returnurl=" & ReturnUrl), True)
Response.Redirect(NavigateURL("Register", "returnurl=" & ReturnUrl), True)
End If
End If
End If
End Sub
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' PasswordUpdated runs when the password is updated
''' </summary>
''' <remarks>
''' </remarks>
''' <history>
''' [cnurse] 03/15/2006 Created
''' </history>
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Sub PasswordUpdated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Users.Password.PasswordUpdatedEventArgs) Handles ctlPassword.PasswordUpdated
Dim status As PasswordUpdateStatus = e.UpdateStatus
If status = PasswordUpdateStatus.Success Then
AddModuleMessage("PasswordChanged", ModuleMessageType.GreenSuccess, True)
'Authorize User
Dim _User As UserInfo = ctlPassword.User
_User.Membership.LastPasswordChangeDate = Now()
_User.Membership.UpdatePassword = False
ValidateUser(_User, True)
AddModuleMessage(status.ToString(), ModuleMessageType.RedError, True)
End If
End Sub
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' ProfileUpdated runs when the profile is updated
''' </summary>
''' <remarks>
''' </remarks>
''' <history>
''' [cnurse] 03/16/2006 Created
''' </history>
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Sub ProfileUpdated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ctlProfile.ProfileUpdated
'Authorize User
ValidateUser(ctlProfile.User, True)
End Sub
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' UserAuthenticated runs when the user is authenticated by one of the child
''' Authentication controls
''' </summary>
''' <remarks>
''' </remarks>
''' <history>
''' [cnurse] 07/10/2007 Created
''' </history>
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Sub UserAuthenticated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As UserAuthenticatedEventArgs)
LoginStatus = e.LoginStatus
'Check the Login Status
Select Case LoginStatus
Select Case e.Message
Case "EnterCode"
AddModuleMessage(e.Message, ModuleMessageType.YellowWarning, True)
Case "InvalidCode", "UserNotAuthorized"
AddModuleMessage(e.Message, ModuleMessageType.RedError, True)
Case Else
AddLocalizedModuleMessage(e.Message, ModuleMessageType.RedError, True)
End Select
AddModuleMessage("UserLockedOut", ModuleMessageType.RedError, True)
' notify administrator about account lockout ( possible hack attempt )
Dim Custom As New ArrayList
Mail.SendMail(PortalSettings.Email, PortalSettings.Email, "", _
Localization.GetSystemMessage(PortalSettings, "EMAIL_USER_LOCKOUT_SUBJECT", Localization.GlobalResourceFile, Custom), _
Localization.GetSystemMessage(PortalSettings, "EMAIL_USER_LOCKOUT_BODY", Localization.GlobalResourceFile, Custom), _
"", "", "", "", "", "")
Case UserLoginStatus.LOGIN_FAILURE
'A Login Failure can mean one of two things:
' 1 - User was authenticated by the Authentication System but is not "affiliated" with a DNN Account
' 2 - User was not authenticated
If e.Authenticated Then
PageNo = 1
AuthenticationType = e.AuthenticationType
AutoRegister = e.AutoRegister
ProfileProperties = e.Profile
UserToken = e.UserToken
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(e.Message) Then
AddModuleMessage("LoginFailed", ModuleMessageType.RedError, True)
Me.AddLocalizedModuleMessage(e.Message, ModuleMessageType.RedError, True)
End If
End If
Case Else
If e.User IsNot Nothing Then
'First update the profile (if any properties have been passed)
AuthenticationType = e.AuthenticationType
ProfileProperties = e.Profile
UpdateProfile(e.User, True)
ValidateUser(e.User, False)
End If
End Select
End Sub
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
''' <summary>
''' UserCreateCompleted runs when a new user has been Created
''' </summary>
''' <remarks>
''' </remarks>
''' <history>
''' [cnurse] 07/12/2007 created
''' </history>
''' -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Private Sub UserCreateCompleted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As Entities.Modules.UserUserControlBase.UserCreatedEventArgs) Handles ctlUser.UserCreateCompleted
Dim strMessage As String = ""
If e.CreateStatus = UserCreateStatus.Success Then
'Assocate alternate Login with User and proceed with Login
AuthenticationController.AddUserAuthentication(e.NewUser.UserID, AuthenticationType, UserToken)
strMessage = CompleteUserCreation(e.CreateStatus, e.NewUser, e.Notify, True)
If (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strMessage)) Then
'First update the profile (if any properties have been passed)
UpdateProfile(e.NewUser, True)
ValidateUser(e.NewUser, True)
End If
AddLocalizedModuleMessage(UserController.GetUserCreateStatus(e.CreateStatus), ModuleMessageType.RedError, True)
End If
Catch exc As Exception 'Module failed to load
ProcessModuleLoadException(Me, exc)
End Try
End Sub
#End Region
End Class
End Namespace