Hi, was using this way of saving the ViewState on the server.
however this caused errors with the validation controls in DNN
I get this error because user.ascx is now rendered to the page with this
<script type="text/javascript">
var dnn_ctr-1_Register_userControl_valFirstName = document.all ? document.all["dnn_ctr-1_Register_userControl_valFirstName"] : document.getElementById("dnn_ctr-1_Register_userControl_valFirstName");
dnn_ctr-1_Register_userControl_valFirstName.controltovalidate = "dnn_ctr-1_Register_userControl_txtFirstName";
[---- snip ----]
dnn_ctr-1_Register_addressUser_valFax.evaluationfunction = "RequiredFieldValidatorEvaluateIsValid";
dnn_ctr-1_Register_addressUser_valFax.initialvalue = "";
// -->
Javascript doesn't seem to like the '-' in dnn_ctr*-*1_etc....
Just thought I'd mention it.. (I though it was strange that Microsoft, doesn't really advertise this feature.)
Anyway, Now I'm looking to see if any other people have suggestions for saving ViewState on the server, if they have had success or discoverred limitations with them. It seems easy enough to begin with, but there are some complications that become apparent when you start to implement it. Things like pop-ups / Iframes/ and opening more than one window in the same session causes all sorts of proplems.. also leaving a page on screen and coming back much later will most likely lose your view state.
So any suggestions about this subject would be greatly appreciated, I'll keep looking if I have time, But has anybody had any luck Saving ViewState on the server with dot net nuke?