I know withou javascript menus wont work. It was never about an unordered list structure perse ( all the real good menu systems use an unordered list struture to define the structure of the menu and then use javascript to internally rewrite it to the correct format, so when you doa view source you get the basic unordered lis structure but when you doa view generated source you will see some ecta htm injection
Tom and I mentioned semantic coding and unobtrosive javascript. Your menu has inline javascripting and because of this weird scripting and the fact that you have weird styling inside therese scripting calls you get an abundance of errors that ight interfer with other css issues . If you just have scripting that is run once thepage is loaded and interanlly rewrites the menu to the html you need you can do whatever you want.
A good SEO menu doesnt rely on these features and being able to stylre everything with an input field in a menu that is where css is fo
and this will be my final post about it since you are simply just not getting it , there is a reason all the real css design use unobtrosicve javascrip and underdered menu based menu system
for toher people following this thread, this is what Tom and I are referring too
unobtrosive javascrip :
semantic html coding:
And dont forget if content cannot be seen or accessed without javascrpt it also wont bee seen my textbased mobile devices screenreaders and other application used by the visually challenged.
With all the new acessabillity laws in te US of lets sue them for lots of money A. this is not something you would want on your site. I have done a nr of medical and government sites lately and sites using this menu would not pass there guidelines to be used and more ondf more companies and institutions are following the guidelines set.