I have made a couple modules and a web server control that are all free to whoever wants them.
Not exactly happy with the way the AD integreation works in DNN (creates new users from AD with "domain\user"), I decided to write my own silly little "auto-logon" module. It will pull just the username portion from your AD login and check against the database for an existing user -- if found, logs you in. If not, does nothing. This goes in line with the way they wanted it where I work for our company intranet.
Additionally, leaving your site without any hits for a period of time clears the cache and causes subsequent requests to take a little while. The new 4.4 release has definitely helped this a ton, but it still can't address the fact that a site that hasn't been requested is a site that isn't cached. Being in an intranet setting, it goes without saying that our site will sit without any hits for several hours overnight, and more so over the weekend. I found a utility that should have "pinged" a site in an interval, but the problem was that the utility wouldn't install. I decided to write my own "refresher" utility that allows you to select any number of websites of your choosing and "ping" them in a regular (customizable) interval. This has helped my own website and the company intranet keep their caches alive and running smoothly.
Last, I HATE the built in UrlControl in DNN. It works great in the few cases the core team use it, but didn't work well at all in the case I wanted to use it. So I created my own custom server control that you can add to your toolbar in vs2k5 and drag into your module at will. It functions the same as the core urlcontrol, except that if you want to edit links from a postback (rather than from a query string), it actually lets you.
So, without further ado, you can go here (http://foober.homeip.net/Development/Software/DotNetNukeModules/tabid/213/Default.aspx) to get them.