What is QPoke? Qpoke is a message board that displays messages at the module, portal or global level with instant notifications through a Windows Vista gadget, Google Sidebar gadget or a Windows System Tray pop-up. Giving you the ability to notify users of important information even if they are not surfing the web or looking at their email. The QPoke Gadgets are dynamically created when it's downloaded from your web site to give you a custom Windows Vista and Google Sidebar Gadget that is specifically configured with your settings in QPoke. You control the messages displayed, who can download the gadget, who can post new messages and who can delete messages all secured by DotNetNuke Roles. You can even customize the gadgets title and the web site people are taken to when they click the title.
Going Global: You can limit the messages people see in the QPoke DNN Module and in the QPoke gadgets and Windows System Tray popup to only those messages posted to a specific module or to a specific DotNetNuke portal. But take it farther and go Global to allow new messages to be visible on all portals. When you go global, the QPoke Gadget will display new messages from any portal and clicking the message link will take you directly to the portal and page in that portal that the message was originally posted to. Or limit the global viewing to site administrators only and watch all of the message posting to your portals from your gadget.
You are not limited to a specific security setting. Gadgets are created using the module settings at the time they are downloaded so you can provide one instance of QPoke that provides module level visibility and another instance of QPoke that provides global or portal visibility.
Windows Vista and Google Sidebar Gadgets can be downloaded directly from QPoke and quickly installed and running by double-clicking the download. There are no settings, no hard to explain instructions, no web service URL's....just download and double-click!
The Windows System Tray application will need to provided as a separate download from your site or installed and configured for your end users.
What can you use QPoke For?
- Community Message Boards
- Multi-Portal Messaging
- Announce new article postings, news releases, or critical news
- Easily notify employees of new events, holiday greetings, birthdays, meetings, last minute changes or notices on people not in the office for the day
- Notify your customers on new products or services
- Use as a simple "Shout Box"
- Collaborate with your teams on projects
Easy Module Security: Three additional permission types will be added to your DotNetNuke portal when you install QPoke. These are visible in the Module Settings of QPoke and allow you to control who can add new postings, who can delete postings and who can download the QPoke Windows Vista Gadgets.
If you have an active OnyakTech Complete package, you can download QPoke now from the My Downloads page in the Members tab on www.OnyakTech.com
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