This version introduces the Facebook-style StoryFeed view which this and other modules can publish module actions to. Have a look at this demo poker player profile to see the StoryFeed in action.
The following modules currently support StoryFeed actions:
- ST UserProfile (4.3.12) - Edit Profile Pic, Update Profile Status, Add Friend, New Profile
- ST UserGroup (4.3.7) - Create Group, Join Group, Leave Group
- ST Wall (4.3.3) - Post on UserProfile/Event/Group/Custom Wall
Coming soon... Ventrian News Article integration (Create new Article, New comment etc.)
The possiblities are endless, for example, with UVG and UMG you could have Uploaded new Video and Add new Picure actions. Please contact us If you are a Module Developer and would like to publish feeds to the StoryFeed view. It is a few lines of code and greatly enhances the user experience - perfect for DotNetNuke Social Networks!
Important: If you use the Groups module you must upgrade to the 4.3.7 version after you have installed the UP 4.3.12 version.
New Facebook-style StoryFeed view - see what your friends are doing. Integrates with ST Events, Groups, Wall module and exposes API for 3rd Party modules.
- For example: Mark updated their status to xyz, Harry joined Group x, Berty and Mark are friends, Berty wrote on Harry's Wall, Merk set up an Event
Added Facebook-style Profile Status updates - uses can update their status using an AJAX editbox
There are 3 new tokens to use on a profile detail view - [PROFILESTATUS], [PROFILESTATUSNOEDIT] and [PROFILESTATUSLASTUPDATED]
This also integrates with Twitter so users can update their status on Twitter at the same time
- Many thanks to Yedda for their Twitter API wrapper -
- Setup Guide -
Profile Browser Title settings now has optional paramater for user's City for SEO and visual effect
AutoFriend Creation (like Tom on MySpace) - ability to assign a single user to be all new user's friend when their profile is first viewed
UsersOnline Enhancements - Module can now be used as a templated Who's Online module
UsersOnline Enhancements - Module can now be used as a templated Who's Viewing this Page module.
Removed redundant database columns - TitleID, MiddleName, Nickname, Gender, AboutMe, PublicProfile
Refactored UP caching code from Wall module into UserProfileUtils class
Refactored UserControl setting template code into Utils
Invalid UserID exception now only thrown if the Request is made by a non-search engine. Spiders were crawling invalid UserIDs and this was filling up the error logs with lots of useless errors
Search DDL in UserList view has been made narrower
Core CSS "subhead" style changed to "SubHead" for XHTML compliancy
UsersOnline Filter now works correctly (also works in conjunction with the other filters/searches)
DropDownLists of User-Type now show DisplayName and not Full Name
Initial Template load now works correctly on the first time
Fixed minor potential bug in caching code
Fixed bug in Latest UserList view when users were in multiple roles
Please raise any queries on the Smart-Thinker Forums.