This is copied from my blog. There are still some coupons left!
>> This offer is ended now, thanks everyone who participated!
Last week Shaun blogged about ASP.NET MVC and DotNetNuke. As tends to occur when discussing technology choices, this sparked enormous controversy some of which you can see in the blog comments but much more of which has erupted in the Twitterverse. Lot’s of friendly banter, but it can also be somewhat amusing to see what hills people are “willing to die on”… and often without an objective understanding of the technology or the choices for employing one programming method over another in a business context. Even Scott Guthrie got involved in refereeing the ongoing debate *grin*.
Enter @RobConery of TekPub! Rob is a long time friend of many of us at DotNetNuke. He’s one of those guys that “gets” technology and works hard to help others get it too. After congratulating Shaun on making the right decision for DotNetNuke, he’s offered us 50 coupons to distribute among the DotNetNuke community to introduce them to MVC through his online education site, TekPub.
So… if you’d like free access to Rob’s Mastering MVC series on TekPub, here’s what you need to do:
1) Write a NEW blog about DotNetNuke, linking back to The blog must be more recent that this posting and positive in tone. Objectivity is cool… ranting is uncool ;-)
2) Be one of the first 50 to post a link to their NEW blog in the comments here (be sure to sign in and make sure your email address is correct so I can send your coupon). I’ll read your blogs and publish your links.
If you don’t currently have a blog, don’t fret… you can start one in 60 seconds or less at a variety of sites including: Posterous or Tubmlr.
The first 50 posted blogs will receive a coupon code giving them access to the Mastering MVC series on TekPub. Thanks Rob!
For more Twitter fun, follow:
Shaun Walker - @sbwalker
Joe Brinkman - @jbrinkman
Scott Willhite - @mrswoop
Nik Kalyani - @techbubble
DNN Corp - @dnncorp