1. Introduction
Child page list is a free module which can display sub pages for a selected page ( or display from the menu root). It works on both dnn 4.x and dnn 5.x. It is template based and fully localization supported.
2.Live demo
Visit http://www.dnnmodules.cn/Modules/Chil... to view live demo.
3.How to get it
Visit our live store at http://www.dnnmodules.cn/Store.aspx to get both PA and module source with free.
4.How to use it

In module settings page, you can configure following options.
Parent tab:
select which tab you want to display its sub pages.Note, if parent page is set as “None Specified“ , then module will display pages from menu root.
Include current tab:
Choose whether to display current tab if it is in sub pages.
Include invisible tab:
By default, a invisible tab will not display in dnn menu, check this option to display it in page list.
If this option is checked,module will display all child pages from the parent including the child pages of the child pages,i.e. walk the tree from the selected parent tab.
Display icon(new in v2.5))
List Template:
The list view interface is template based, you can customize your own display style.
Columns per row:
Enter how many columns you want to display in 1 row.
Link Target:
Choose how to open window when visitor click sub page item.
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