Since 2005, it is around this DNN Search and Replace tool
A generic DNN Search and Replace tool (virtually any table; e.g. "HtmlText" , "Links" , "ModuleSettings", "TabModuleSettings", "DnnForge_NewsArticles_Page", "Tabs', etc. (you can add yours).
This ASPX page is self-contained. To work, it does not need any external stored procedure, DLL, vb or cs file. No module to install/register.
Just upload the ASPX page to your site (in any folder, even the root) and browse to it.
Before browsing to this page, you must be logged in as a super user (host).
Select the table (tablesList) where you want to search and/or replace data on the configured column (columnsList)
You can enter a term to search, and once you click on <search> a grid will display the results (may be in the future paging/sorting could be implemented)
The search will look for the given string on the select table/column. The search will match 'contains...'
The search will be case sensitive depending on your database configuration (the database collation). Typically (by default), the search is case-insensitive.
Clicking on <Search & Replace> will replace every instance of the search string with the defined 'Replace With' string.
An empty 'Replace With' is valid. Therefore, you can 'delete' text.
The replace operation is case-insensitive.
More details/usage information within the file itself.
v. 1.5 (Apr 26, 2011)
- CHG - Updated to support a htmltext table column change in the dnn core.
- ENH - Enhanced built-in tables list for s&r operations, including core (HtmlText, ModuleSettings, TabModuleSettings, Tabs, Urls, Links, EventsCalendar) and 3rd party modules (Ventrian NewsArticles, Activeforums)