https://www.evotiva.com Joined: 9/3/2004
Posts: 389
DNNGlobalStorage expands your DotNetNuke 6 storage options beyond your Web Server, enabling a 100% integrated way to have your files
wherever you want.
It is a set of folder providers which allows the integration of special, external, and cloud based file systems out of the box. For example: Windows Azure, Amazon S3, Dropbox, Box (formerly Box.net), and FTP locations.
In next releases will be added support for more providers. Please let us know if you need one not already implemented.
See Demo Videos
Release notes: http://www.evotiva.com/Products/DNNGl...
Key Features
General Features (applies to all the DNN Folder Providers)
- Easy to integrate into your DotNetNuke 6+ Installation (it is a set of DotNetNuke folder providers).
- This is the first and original product, where the ideas come from.
- Allows core and 3rd party modules to utilize externally-persisted files (on Windows Azure, Amazon S3, Dropbox, etc.) without any modification.
- Allows multiple instances of all providers pointing to different storage locations.
This means, that you can connect your site to different sources of files, even of the same kind. E.g. you can have many different
Windows Azure (on different subscriptions/containers),
Amazon S3 (each one to different buckets),
Dropbox connections (each one to different Dropbox accounts), Box connections (including the free 5Gb accounts), or many different FTP connections.
- Option for Read Only access: If it is needed or desired, it allows you to connect to a data source in 'read only' mode,
ensuring that the connected storage will not be updated in any way.
- You have fine control over how the URLs for the files will be provided.
- Option to hide the file's true location.
Regardless of the storage provider's accessibility settings, the files will act like served directly from your web site (not linked from their real location).
When this option is enabled, end users will never know where the files are truly located.
- Files are stored with the proper 'Content Type' (MIME type) set.
- Behind the scenes DNNGlobalStorage is doing things impossible to do manually linking to the remote locations (Azure, S3, Dropbox, FTP, etc.)
I.e. the files do not have to be set for anonymous (public) access, and DNNGlobalStorage can generate secure links for them.
- Customizable root folder: For all folder providers, you can choose which (remote) folder you would like to act as the root folder regarding the DNN site.
- Built-in auto-tuning performance hints (catching features) for cloud connections (e.g. Dropbox). There is no need to setup explicit settings.
- It integrates with the DNN 6+ Instrumentation (Log4Net) feature, for easy logging and troubleshooting.
- User Interface 100% localizable.
- It does not require any special web browser configuration (like Popups enabled).
- It does work on 'medium trust' hosting environments. (*)
- It does work under .NET 3.5 (2.0), .NET 4.0 or later.
- About Evotiva: Since 2005, providing original products, and outstanding support. Check out our reviews.
- Except the FTP provider
- Requires 'WebPermission'
Windows Azure DNN Folder Provider
- Allows multiple subscriptions/containers connections for the same DNN portal.
- Windows Azure development storage is supported. This allows integration with development storage on your local development environment.
- Allows the creation of Azure Containers straight from DNNGlobalStorage, specifying its accessibility level (Private, Public Files, Public Container).
- Option to generate secured and time limited Windows Azure URLs, or it can be configured to provide anonymous (public) URLs.
- Allows the configuration of custom domains, which means that you can configure DNNGlobalStorage to provide URLs like "http(s)://storage.example.com/...", and to use Windows Azure's CDN features.
- The 'time to live' for the secured Windows Azure URLs generated by the application is customizable.
- Option to define a custom root folder to act as the root regarding the connection from this web site.
This allows you to provide a segmented view of your Windows Azure Container, instead of providing access to all its content.
Amazon S3 DNN Folder Provider
- Allows multiple S3 accounts/buckets connections for the same DNN portal.
- You can create S3 Buckets straight from DNNGlobalStorage.
- You have the option to generate secured and time limited URLs (this is the default setup) – anonymous access to your S3 bucket is blocked –, or you can also configure it to generate anonymous S3 URLs.
- The 'time to live' for the secured Amazon S3 URLs generated by the application is customizable.
- Option to configure the Amazon S3 URLs to be standard (when the file to be linked has anonymous access enabled), instead of secured and time limited.
- The style for the Amazon S3 URLs generated by DNNGlobalStorage can be customized. Three URL formats are available, including the option to generate branded URLs by means of DNS CNAMEs.
- Option to configure a custom 'Service URL'
- The files being handled by the system, which are residing in an Amazon S3 bucket, can be configured to use "Reduced Redundancy Storage"
- Amazon S3: You can choose any (already created) S3 folder to act as the root folder regarding the connection from this web site. This allows you to provide a segmented view of your S3 Bucket, instead of providing access to all its content.
Dropbox DNN Folder Provider
- Allows multiple Dropbox account connections for the same DNN portal.
- It supports the two Access levels provided by the Dropbox API: 'Full Dropbox', or 'App folder'.
- Option to define any (already created) public or private Dropbox folder to act as the root folder regarding the connection from this web site.
This is especially useful to share Dropbox folders with other applications. You can set 'Full Dropbox', but providing a segmented view of your Dropbox
space contents, instead of providing access to all the content.
- You can connect your web site with Dropbox private files without explicitly sharing Dropbox files or folders.
- Allows to generate temporary (one time usage) URLs to access files on private folders.
- By means of the Dropbox integration, you can implement a simple, secure and versioned documents library, where you in addition can update the documents straight from your desktop or mobile device.
- Option to generate public Dropbox URLs (for files on public folders).
Box DNN Folder Provider
- Allows multiple Box (box.net) account connections for the same DNN portal.
- It supports the free (5 GB space) Box accounts.
- Option to define any (already created) private or shared Box folder to act as the root folder regarding the connection from this web site. This is especially useful to share Box folders with other applications, without giving the web site root access to the Box account
- You can connect your web site with Box private files without explicitly sharing any file or folder.
- It provides optimal configuration option for small/regular or very large catalogs.
FTP DNN Folder Provider
- Allows multiple FTP account/server connections for the same DNN portal.
- Support not-standard ports for the FTP connection.
- Option to configure Passive or Active transfer mode.
- You can plug any FTP-enabled location.
- The generated URLs could be standard anonymous FTP links, or links including authentication information.
- Same as all Evotiva DNN Folder Providers, you have the option to hide the files location.
See more Screenshots