Advanced Login Module Single Sign-on Community Edition
today we are please to announce that the advanced login module for DotNetNuke includes the utilisation of the single sign-on feature that has previously only been available to the Professional Edition since DotNetNuke 6.1.
Now it is possible to add this feature to your website with one simple module, that as the feature throughout your entire website and child websites on a single DotNetNuke instance.

The idea is that you create a site group, specifying the master site and included child sites. Once the configuration has been created, a user will be able to login to either the Master site or any of the specified child sites within the group using the username and password details from the master sites user database.
We have included this feature within the advanced login module, and it works with the community edition. The feature can be found on the tab called site groups:
This is a descriptive field only and is used to distinguish one site group from another. You can put anything you like in this field that will help you remember the details of the site review are creating.
This is an additional descriptive field that allows you to put text that helps you explain the meaning behind the creation of the site group you are creating. This is a reference field only and can contain any descriptive text.
The master site is the primary site that contains the user names and passwords that you wish to use to sign on to either the Master site or the child portals. It is vital that you select the correct portal to use as the Master site.
An example:
InteractiveWebs is a DotNetNuke website that has one master portal that we used to run the interactive webs website on, and dozens of child portals. Each child portal is used to represent one of the modules that we have created the DotNetNuke. There are lots of them.
When users register on the interactive webs website they are registering on our primary portal. When users visit the child portals information on a module or other service that we provide we do not encourage them to register as users on his child portals. As a matter of fact we had previously redirected the login buttons back to the primary portal so that anybody wishing to register or login is always directed back to the primary portal. This means we have an extensive user database on our primary portal.
So in this example we would definitely need to select the interactive webs primary portal as the master site as it is this site that has all of the thousands of usernames and passwords that we wish to use across all of our child portals.
The authentication domain is the domain name that is used primarily across all of the portals that the site group is using. In the case of interactive webs, we have utilised a conical redirection within the site alias settings to ensure that users of our portal remain on the same domain: interactivewebs.com even though we have multiple domain names pointing to the website.

For more information: http://www.interactivewebs.com/advanc...