Xepient Solutions has just released a new version of Open-SearchEngine. Version 2 include all the features that make the search engine a mature product.
for a live demo: http://www.opendnn.com/nbspnbspnbspnbspOpenSearchEngine/Demo/tabid/67/Default.aspx
Here is some of the Marketing literature.
Open-SearchEngine v2.0
Open-SearchEngine provides DotNetNuke with a true enterprise search engine capable of indexing html content as well as documents from multiple sites and/or physical directories.
Being based on Lucene.net, and including a true web spider, it is capable of conducting multi threaded indexing of any site, be it a DNN based site or not. The advantage of this architecture is that unlike other DNN search engine implementations, it does not rely on database access in order to index content, and therefore it does not require modules to implement ad-hoc interfaces nor to rely on SQL-Server Indexing Services to index content. Open-SearchEngine acts like google, and will look for content on your site or any site you point it to, regardless of the coding that generates a page, or the way content is stored.
Indexing content is not the only thing that Open-SearchEngine does well. Retrieving content is just as important. In order to obtain accurate search results, Open-searchEngine provides a rich query syntax, similar to the one offered by Google, that allows for partial searches, logical searches, exact phrase searches, relevance searches and much much more. The results are than ranked by relevance.
Open-SearchEngine's query execution speed is unmatched. The search engine stores and optimizes its indexes in files, and thus it does not rely on DataBase space or overhead
The live demo can be seen at www.opendnn.com under the Open-SearchEngine product tab "Demo".
We have made a video, that will show all the steps necessary to install and run Open-SearchEngine. The video can be seen at www.opendnn.com under the Open-SearchEngine product tab "Video Tutorial " or it can be downloaded from the Public Downloads section of the site.
For an in-depth discussion of all of Open-SearchEngine and its powerful features, we have created an owner's manual that can be seen at www.opendnn.com under the Open-SearchEngine product tab "Owner's Manual " or it can be downloaded from the Public Downloads section of the site.