I have a very big trouble. 3 day along i try DEBUG.
but it's not easy, i read a lot of forums/ Than i did
First of all i delete temporary aspnet files (kill aspnet_ws)
I change setting to debug mode, i create a breakpoin, save project,
I goto DEBUG-options Check enable just my managed only code (i also try unchek this option No luck)
and i change optins in solution-property
There many flags i check Build website as part of solution
accesbility all chek, without manual check list(this option uncheck
start option use current page use def web ser and use aspnet debug havo also check flag true
msbuild use fixed name chek
Solution property page
COMMOn property
Current selection chek and name of my project
and project property aspnet debug enable
Configuration debug platform .net build (this option uncheck)
In IIS run debug = true aspnet=2.05///......