I am attempting to integrate Novell logins with DNN, and have stumbled across a modification made by someone. The file modified is Security.vb, but I cannot find this in DNN4. Has the file been replaced?
If so, what to? Here is a sample.
Public Function UserLogin(ByVal Username As String, ByVal Password As String, ByVal PortalID As Integer) As Integer
' Obtain PortalSettings from Current Context
Dim _portalSettings As PortalSettings = CType(HttpContext.Current.Items("PortalSettings"), PortalSettings)
Dim intUserId As Integer = -1
'Opening a Connection to the Database
Dim myConnection As New SqlConnection(GetDBConnectionString)
'Test for an LDAP Account for UserName and Password Entered
Dim LDAPObjectQuery As New NWIDir
Dim LDAPNwDirAuth As New NWIDirAuthenticator
Dim LDAPFullName As String
Dim LDAPAddress As String
Dim LDAPResults
'LDAP connection Information
LDAPObjectQuery.FullName = "ldap://ldap.anderson.edu/o=anderson_u"
LDAPObjectQuery.PortNumber = 389
'LDAP search and Filter.
'Searching for a username which is attached the the CN attribute
LDAPObjectQuery.Fields = "cn, givenName"
LDAPObjectQuery.Filter = "cn=" & Username
LDAPObjectQuery.SearchScope = 2
LDAPObjectQuery.SearchMode = 0
'Connecting to LDAP
'Executing Search Query on LDAP
LDAPResults = LDAPObjectQuery.Search
'Determining if Username and Password exist in LDAP
If LDAPResults.Count = 1 Then
LDAPFullName = LDAPResults.Item(0).FullName
LDAPNwDirAuth.FullName = LDAPFullName
'Executing Query
'LDAP Query connection Information
Dim LDAPQuery As New NWIDirQuery
Dim LDAPRes As NWQueryResults
LDAPQuery.FullName = LDAPFullName
LDAPQuery.PortNumber = 389
'LDAP Query seach and Filter
LDAPQuery.Fields = "sn, givenName, mail, homephone, homepostaladdress"
LDAPQuery.Filter = "cn=" & Username
LDAPQuery.SearchScope = 2
LDAPQuery.SearchMode = 0
LDAPRes = LDAPQuery.Search()
'LDAP Query results parsing
'Assigning LDAP Atrribute information to variables for a user.
'This information will be used to insert new user into DNN database.
Dim oMail As Object = LDAPRes.Item(0).FieldValue("mail")
Dim oAdd As Object = LDAPRes.Item(0).FieldValue("homepostaladdress")
Dim oPhone As Object = LDAPRes.Item(0).FieldValue("homephone")
Dim oFname As Object = LDAPRes.Item(0).FieldValue("givenName")
Dim oLname As Object = LDAPRes.Item(0).FieldValue("sn")
Dim mail As String = oMail(0)
Dim phone As String = ""
Dim add1 As String = ""
Dim city As String = ""
Dim state As String = ""
Dim zip As String = ""
Dim country As String = ""
If Not oAdd.length() = 0 Then
add1 = oAdd(0)
country = "United States"
'oadd consist of 0 & 1
'eg. 0 = 1100 E. 5th Street
'eg. 1 = Anderson, IN 46012
If oAdd.length() = 2 Then
Dim add2 As String = oAdd(1)
Dim csz = add2.Split(", ")
city = csz(0)
Dim add3 As String = csz(1)
Dim sz = add3.Split(" ")
state = sz(1)
zip = sz(2)
End If
End If
If Not oPhone.length() = 0 Then
phone = oPhone(0)
End If
Dim fname As String = oFname(0)
Dim lname As String = oLname(0)
'If the Username and password exist
'and are correct than we will start
'the login process
If LDAPNwDirAuth.ValidatePassword(Password, LDAPFullName) = True Then
'Start of the login process
'Determining if user exist in DNN database
' Generate Command Object based on Method
Dim myCommand As SqlCommand = SqlCommandGenerator.GenerateCommand(myConnection, _
CType(MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod(), MethodInfo), _
New Object() {Username, Encrypt(_portalSettings.HostSettings("EncryptionKey"), Password), PortalID})
'Storing the results of our query to determine if user exists in DNN Database
Dim result As SqlDataReader = myCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)
'Checking to See if they do not have
'a DNN account. If they do not than
'enter decision structure
If result.Read Then
If Not IsDBNull(result("UserId")) Then
'Giving intUserId the value of
'the user who already exist in DNN
intUserId = Int32.Parse(result("UserId"))
'If they do not have a DNN
'account we need to create
'a DNN account and log them in
Dim UserId As Integer
Dim objUser As New UsersDB
'Adding USER and REGISTERED ROLE to User Table and UserRole Table
UserId = objUser.AddUser(PortalID, fname, lname, add1, "", city, state, zip, country, phone, mail, Username, Password, "True", UserId)
'UserId = objUser.AddUser(PortalID, givenName, "Bond", "TestAddress1", "TestAddress1.Street", "TestAddress1.City", "TestAddress1.Region", "TestAddress1.Postal", "TestAddress1.Country", "TestAddress1.Telephone", Username & "@anderson.edu", Username, Password, "True", UserId)
'Assigning intUserId the UserId of the new user created
intUserId = UserId
End If
'Close the connection
End If
End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
'Closing LDAP connections
LDAPObjectQuery = Nothing
LDAPNwDirAuth = Nothing
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Return intUserId
End Function
Public Shared Function IsInRole(ByVal role As String) As Boolean
' Obtain PortalSettings from Current Context
Dim _portalSettings As PortalSettings = CType(HttpContext.Current.Items("PortalSettings"), PortalSettings)
If HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name = _portalSettings.SuperUserId.ToString Then
Return True
Return HttpContext.Current.User.IsInRole(role)
End If
End Function