We are building an company extranet/intranet. We are considering using DNN.
We require the following, I would really appreciate some feedback. Please do not refer me to sites such as snowcovered.com, we need solutions that people have experience of using.
1 - Can somebody actually recommend a good way of accessing Active Directory, something people have used and have experience of.
2 - Is it easy to create modules and plug them into this system. Eg. This would be something like a department to enter seminar dates and other viewing it saying they are interested in attending it and in doing so click a button and it is fired off to the relevant department.
3 – A document upload that has some audit trail mechanism built it. So not only do we see changes to the system but we also need to build a system and be able to list those areas where documents have been there for over 6 months(out of date) so we can follow them up and ask them to make changes to their area.
4 – The audit trail must be able to identify users and their roles in order to place this information into the audit trail DB. Is it easy to retrieve this info. Also is it easy to retrieve this info when creating a module.
5 – We have a site that has been built in asp.net 2.0, it is a separate mini intranet. Could this be plugged into the framework or would we have to rebuilt each part within modules to integrate it.
6 – Same as no.5 above but this application is built using classic asp, will it plug into the system.