Many of us run DNN on local machines to begin learning, experimenting, and developing. Then, you get ready to take the plunge to release your work and put on your public face. Who do you trust to host your new DNN site? Not an easy question to answer. Depends on your geographic location, financial considerations, and a ton of other things you may not even be thinking about until you've signed up with a hoster that you find later is not ready to give you want you really want in a host.
So, for the benefit of folks needing a host, maybe it would be acceptable to respond here with some key info to help others. Responses should be positive in nature, as banging on a particular host is not really helpful in my opinion. I just want to know the positives about why you host where you do. Of course, I know not everything is rosy with any host, but we can keep it useful info by being professional in our response. If you are game, here's what would be nice to see in your responses.
Your Country of Origin:
Your Hosts' Name:
Host URL:
Host Geographic Location:
Host Customer Service Rating: (1- Low ,2,3,4,5 - Highest):
DotNetNuke Support Rating: (1-Low,2,3,4,5 - Highest):
DNN Version:
What services you really like:
What services you wish you had:
Level of Host Plan:
Type of Site (Non-Commercial, Commercial, Non-Profit, Developer, Other):
Why you picked this host:
Now, if the folks moderating don't feel this type of post belongs here, then that's ok, I just find myself in the market for a host, and I'm trying to assemble some info to make an informed decision without having to search the whole forum for info. I've no ties to any host, and think maybe pinning a post like this will go a long way towards hosts learning how to improve their services for our growing community. If there's a better place for this type of post, or if the info already is available, drop me an email and give me your thoughts.
Thanks in advance for your participation.