Thanks for the reply
SqlGridSelectedView is free tool provided by the developer for dotnetnuke community.
It is really wonderfull Module. I am thnkfull to the devolper for devolping such a nice module and giving it to dotnetnuke community.
I was trying to insert [DNN;UserID] value in the table.
As per the help file, the UserID value was replaced for the value of [DNN;UserID].
I would like to know
1) How the DNN values like DNN:UserID, DNN;PortalNo etc is used while inserting in to table.
a few t-sql syntax example will help me.
2) Is there any module for creating table,inserting data into table and updating data in to the table.
As I understand , Userdefined table will not create new table. I feel it is difficult to manipulate data using sql in the context of