My company is firmly entrenched in the LAMP world using Drupal and Joomla, but we may soon be working on a large project for that will use DotNet Nuke. Hopefully this isn't inappropriate here, but I'm trying to get a handle on how much it might cost to hire a DNN developer to build the following module:
The project calls for a custom quiz module that will be used for corporate training with the following rough specs:
1. each month, the admin user(s) will create a new topical quiz on a given subject
2. each quiz is presented and stored as its own distinct object
3. users with proper permissions will be able to take each quiz as they appear
4. new users will be able to go back to take previous quizzes
5. the quiz "flow" will work as follows:
a. a series of "information pages" that include text, images, audio/video attachments, etc. there can be 1-(x) of of these pages
b. a "question page" that contains (x) number of multiple choice or true/false questions relating to the previous set of "information pages"
c. another series of "information pages" with new text etc.
d. another "question page" with (x) questions
e. rinse and repeat for (x) number of times
6. user can leave the quiz at any time and return to finish at a later date
7. when complete the test is scored
a. date and score for each user is logged
b. a review is shown with correct/incorrect answers
c. if higher than 90% the user "passes" and a "complete!" flag is set for this quiz object
d. if lower than 90% the user "fails" and a "try again" flag is set
e. all subsequent test attempts are logged until user eventually scores 90% or higher
7. user is returned back to main quiz page where they can take other quizzes or head elsewhere on the site
As an example, my company would charge roughly $10-15K to write this module in Drupal or Joomla depending on final functionality. Expensive but it would be rock solid, well-tested, efficiently written with clean code, easy to use, and virtually bug free. It would also spit out clean, themeable elements that would give a CSS designer the flexibility to theme each quiz in addition to the overall look and feel.
I have no idea how hard it is to pull off a similar feat using DNN . . . I searched the module directories and didn't see any existing quiz module. If this project works out I will also be back here looking for a DNN pro to hire on a contract basis but I'll save that for a later topic :-)
Thanks for listening...