Hello all. I wanted to let the community know that I existed, and I thought, "what better way than with the "Announce It!" forum?"
I would have liked to post here when my first commercial skin was available, but I figured I would wait until I had a couple to show, as not to completely waste everyone's time. This is my first attempt at getting into the skinning "business" (aside from custom skins for clients) and any feedback, be it good or bad, would be much appreciated.
The site is lancemay.com, and for now the works are all skin. I will be working on public modules for DNN as well, but I wanted to see how I faired as a skin developer (not attempting to pose as a large "design studio").
My third public skin is a beach/ocean based skin called Serene. It is comprised of soothing pastels and a simplified layout. The purpose of this skin was not to show off, but merely to calm the site's visitors.
Please let me know what you guys think of my work, as again I'm just a designer/developer (not a "design studio"), so your feedback means a lot to me. Thanks much in advance.