Language selector allows you to change the culture of the current request and response. This will automatically change the way dates, numbers and other system things are displayed.
DNN includes some options to localize your DNN. At this time only static content can be localized out of the box (Labels, titles, etc). Dynamic content is the real dynamic content you see in modules like BLOG, Newsletters, etc
Talking about modules, they must decide how to display different content when a different locale is selected, so that is the reason that there are modules with localization support and modules without localization support (This depends on programmers)
I made a solution that could change some properties that are no localized by default like page titles, module titles, etc. You can localize every page property, every module property and every portal settings property.
It also has the ability to hide pages based on current locale, redirecting to another page based on current locale. It can hide modules based on current locale.
It also can change text from your site bases on current locale and a REGEXP. So you can change everything with just imagination
The module is called DSLocalizator and you can find it here:
And it is free