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HomeHomeOur CommunityOur CommunityGeneral Discuss...General Discuss...How to suppress PrintDialog when using print verbHow to suppress PrintDialog when using print verb
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8/1/2007 3:31 PM

I am trying to print a list of HTML documents using Process and the print
verb.  Is there any way to suppress the PrintDialog box ?  In this case, I
have set up the default printer as the target, as I don't want the user to be
prompted after each form.

I did some searching on the web and I haven't found the answer.  Can anyone
help ?

Here is a code snippet:

                Process proc = new Process();

                if (fPromptForPrinter)
                    proc.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = false;
                    proc.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;

                proc.StartInfo.FileName = strFileName;
                proc.StartInfo.Verb = "print";

This does not work, as in either case, the dialog is displayed.  Is there
anything I can do with this ?


FYI: The process will not wait, it drives on.  I couldn't figure out how to
make this wait until the process is really ended, I tried proc.HasExited in a
loop, but this exits while the print dialog is still up (trying to solve a
different issue).

In any case, I need to fix the print dialog always showing. 

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8/5/2007 8:15 PM

I tried to go another route.  Using AxDHTMLEDIT, there is a PrintDocument command, and you can pass it a parameter to suppress the print dialog.  This is good.

However, for some reason the document stream will not load.  This worked with a simple stream, but when styles were added the

<html><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><html xmlns=""><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /><title>TEST Customer Invoice</title></head><style type="text/css">body { font: 11px normal Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; }h1 { font-size:1.6em; }h2 { font-size:1.4em; } { font-size: 1em; text-align:bottom; border-bottom: 2px dashed #000; padding: 0 0 10px 0; margin-bottom: 10px; }p.footer { font-size:1.3em; text-align:center; font-weight:bold; }p.pagenum { font-size: 1em; text-align:center; }#content { width:700px; border:none; margin: 0; padding: 0; }#pageheader { width:678px; border:none; text-align:left; margin: 0 0 15px 10px; }table.table1 { width:100%; border:none; border-collapse:collapse; margin: 0 0 10px 0; }table.table1 td.col1 {  height: 16px;  text-align:left;  }table.table1 td.col2 {  height: 16px;  font-weight: bold;  text-align:left;  }table.table1 td.col3 {  height: 16px;  text-align: left;  }table.table2 {  width:100%;  border:2px solid #000;  border-collapse:collapse;  margin-bottom: 26px; }table.table2 th {  height: 18px;  text-align:center;  vertical-align:middle;  background-color:#000;  color:#FFF;  padding: 3px;  border-bottom: 2px solid #000;  }table.table2 td {  height: 18px;  text-align:left;  vertical-align:middle;  padding: 3px;  border-bottom: 1px dotted #999;  }table.table2 td.col1 {  font-weight: bold;  }table.table2 td.col2 {  text-align:right;  }table.table2 td.col1alt, table.table2 td.col2alt {  background-color: #e5e5e5;  }table.table2 td.col1alt {  font-weight: bold;  }table.table2 td.col2alt {  text-align:right;  }table.table2 td.col1total {  text-align:right;  font-weight: bold;  border:none;  border-top: 2px solid #000;  }table.table2 td.col2total {     text-align:right;  font-weight: bold;  border-top: 2px solid #000;  }table.table3 { width:100%; border:none; border-collapse:collapse; }table.table3 td.col1 {  height: 16px;  text-align:left;  }table.table3 td.col3 {  height: 16px;  text-align:right;  border:1px solid #e5e5e5;  }  table.table4 { width:100%; border:none; border-collapse:collapse; margin: 0 0 0 20px; }table.table4 td { height: 16px; border:none; }table.table4 th { height:16px; font-weight:bold; }table.table4 th.col1, table.table4 th.col2 { text-align:left; }table.table4 th.col4 { text-align:right; }table.table4 td.col1 {    text-align:left;  }table.table4 td.col2 {  text-align:left;  }table.table4 td.col3 {  text-align:center;  } table.table4 td.col4 {  text-align:right;  } table.table4 td.col3stot {  text-align:center;  background-color:#E5E5E5;  } table.table4 td.col4stot {  text-align:right;  background-color:#E5E5E5;  }table.table4 td.col3gtot, table.table4 td.col4gtot{  text-align:right;  font-weight:bold;  font-size:1.4em;  padding-top:20px;  }</style><body><body> <div id="content">  <div id="pageheader">  <img src="C:\Test\TEST\TEST-Customers\bin\Release\InvoiceHeader.gif" width="678" height="66" alt="Test Document"/>  </div>   <table width="100%" class="table1">    <tr>     <td width="60%" class="col1">6931 Arlington Rd.</td>     <td width="20%" class="col2">DATE</td>     <td class="col3">August 5, 2007</td>    </tr>    <tr>     <td width="60%" class="col1">Suite 308</td>     <td width="20%" class="col2">INVOICE #</td>     <td class="col3">07-0052</td>    </tr>    <tr>     <td width="60%" class="col1">Bethesda, MD 20814</td>     <td width="20%" class="col2">ACCOUNT #</td>     <td class="col3">0040</td>    </tr>    <tr>     <td width="60%" class="col1">(866) 999-9004</td>     <td width="20%" class="col2"></td>     <td class="col3"></td>    </tr>   </table>   <br />   <table width="100%" class="table1">    <tr>     <td width="60%" class="col1"><strong>BILL TO:</strong></td>     <td width="20%" class="col2">Billing Cycle</td>     <td class="col3">7/1/2007 to 7/31/2007</td>    </tr>    <tr>     <td width="60%" class="col1">Susie Smith</td>     <td width="20%" class="col2"><b>For</b></td>     <td class="col3">Susie Smith</td>    </tr>    <tr>     <td width="60%" class="col1">1399 Laurie Lane Apt: 11 </td>     <td width="20%" class="col2"></td>     <td class="col3">Tom Smith</td>    </tr>    <tr>     <td width="60%" class="col1">Youngstown, OH 44511</td>     <td width="20%" class="col2"></td>     <td class="col3">Bobby Smith</td>    </tr>    <tr>     <td width="60%" class="col1">(339)234-2123</td>     <td width="20%" class="col2"></td>     <td class="col3"></td>    </tr>     <td class="col3">&nbsp;</td>    </tr>   </table>   <br />   <table width="100%" class="table2">    <tr>     <th width="80%" class="colheader1">CHARGES TYPE</th>     <th class="colheader2">AMOUNT</th>    </tr>    <tr>     <td width="80%" class="col1">PerSusiel Assistance Services</td>     <td class="col2">$63.00</td>    </tr>    <tr>     <td width="80%" class="col1alt">Meals &amp; Nutrition</td>     <td class="col2alt">$247.00</td>    </tr>    <tr>     <td width="80%" class="col1">Transportation Services</td>     <td class="col2">$0.00</td>    </tr>    <tr>     <td width="80%" class="col1alt">Membership Service Fees</td>     <td class="col2alt">$34.00</td>    </tr>    <tr>     <td width="80%" class="col1">Home Improvement</td>     <td class="col2">$0.00</td>    </tr>    <tr>     <td width="80%" class="col1alt">PerSusiel Safety &amp; Security</td>     <td class="col2alt">$0.00</td>    </tr>    <tr>     <td width="80%" class="col1">Other</td>     <td class="col2">$0.00</td>    </tr>    <tr>     <td width="80%" class="col1total">Total</td>     <td class="col2total">$344.00</td>    </tr>   </table>   <p><strong>Charge details can be found on the following pages.</strong></p>   <p class="coupon">Please tear off the slip below and mail in with your payment. Thank you.</p>   <table width="100%" class="table3">    <tr>     <td width="60%">Please send your payments to:</td>     <td width="20%" class="col2">Please Pay</td>     <td width="20%"class="col3">$344.00</td>    </tr>    <tr>     <td width="60%"><strong>Test Document, Inc.</strong></td>     <td width="20%" class="col2" width="25%">Amount Included</td>     <td width="20%" class="col3">&nbsp;</td>    </tr>    <tr>     <td width="60%"><strong>6931 Arlington Rd.</strong></td>     <td width="20%" class="col2" width="25%">Account #</td>     <td width="20%" class="col3">0040</td>    </tr>    <tr>     <td width="60%"><strong>Suite 308</strong></td>     <td width="20%" class="col2" width="25%">Invoice #</td>     <td width="20%" class="col3">07-0052</td>    </tr>    <tr>     <td width="60%"><strong>Bethesda, MD 20814</strong></td>     <td width="20%"></td>     <td width="20%"></td>    </tr>   </table>   <p>Make all checks payable to <strong>Test Document</strong>.<br />   Total Due in 15 Days.  Overdue accounts subject to a service charge of 1.5% per month.</p>   <p class="footer">Thank you for your business!</p>   <p class="pagenum">Page 1 of 7</p><BR style="page-break-before: always"> <div id="pageheader"> <img src="C:\Test\TEST\TEST-Customers\bin\Release\InvoiceHeader.gif" width="678" height="66" alt="Test Document"/> </div> <h1>Detailed Charges Report for&nbsp;Susie Smith</h1> <h2>PerSusiel Assistance Services</h2>  <table width="100%" class="table4"><tr>    <th width="25%" class="col1">Charges</th>    <th width="25%" >&nbsp;</th>    <th width="25%" >QTY</th>    <th width="25%" class="col4">Amount</th>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1">(None)</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4">$0.00</td>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3stot">Subtotal</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4stot">$0.00</td>   </tr>  </table> <h2>Meals &amp; Nutrition</h2>  <table width="100%" class="table4"><tr>    <th width="25%" class="col1">Shipment Date</th>    <th width="25%" class="col2">Meals</th>    <th width="25%" class="col3">QTY</th>    <th width="25%" class="col4">Amount</th>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1">7/31/2007</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2">Chocolate Milk</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3">50</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4">$50.00</td>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1">7/31/2007</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2">Chocolate Milk</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3">60</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4">$60.00</td>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1">7/31/2007</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2">Cookie</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3">40</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4">$20.00</td>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1">7/31/2007</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2">Cookie</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3">10</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4">$5.00</td>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1">7/31/2007</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2">Chocolate Milk</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3">78</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4">$78.00</td>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1">7/31/2007</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2">Chocolate Milk</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3">34</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4">$34.00</td>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3stot">Subtotal</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4stot">$247.00</td>   </tr>  </table> <h2>Transportation Services</h2>  <table width="100%" class="table4"><tr>    <th width="25%" class="col1">Date of Service</th>    <th width="25%" class="col2">Transportation</th>    <th width="25%" class="col3">QTY</th>    <th width="25%" class="col4">Amount</th>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1">(None)</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3">0</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4">$0.00</td>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3stot">Subtotal</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4stot">$0.00</td>   </tr>  </table> <h2>Membership &amp; Service Fees</h2>  <table width="100%" class="table4"><tr>    <th width="25%" class="col1">Fees</th>    <th width="25%" class="col2">&nbsp;</th>    <th width="25%" class="col3">QTY</th>    <th width="25%" class="col4">Amount</th>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1">(None)</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3">0</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4">$0.00</td>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3stot">Subtotal</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4stot">$0.00</td>   </tr>  </table> <h2>Home Improvement</h2>  <table width="100%" class="table4"><tr>    <th width="25%" class="col1">Services</th>    <th width="25%" class="col2">&nbsp;</th>    <th width="25%" class="col3">QTY</th>    <th width="25%" class="col4">Amount</th>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1">(None)</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3">0</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4">$0.00</td>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3stot">Subtotal</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4stot">$0.00</td>   </tr>  </table> <h2>PerSusiel Safety &amp; Security</h2>  <table width="100%" class="table4"> </table><p class="footer">Thank you for your business!</p><p class="pagenum">Page&nbsp;2&nbsp;of 7</p><BR style="page-break-before: always"><div id="content"> <div id="pageheader"> <img src="C:\Test\TEST\TEST-Customers\bin\Release\InvoiceHeader.gif" width="678" height="66" alt="Test Document"/> </div><h1>Detailed Charges Report for&nbsp;Susie Smith</h1>  <table width="100%" class="table4"> <tr>    <th width="25%" class="col1">Products</th>    <th width="25%" class="col2">&nbsp;</th>    <th width="25%" class="col3">QTY</th>    <th width="25%" class="col4">Amount</th>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1">(None)</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3">0</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4">$0.00</td>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3stot">Subtotal</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4stot">$0.00</td>   </tr>  </table> <h2>Other</h2>  <table width="100%" class="table4"><tr>    <th width="25%" class="col1">Items</th>    <th width="25%" class="col2">&nbsp;</th>    <th width="25%" class="col3">QTY</th>    <th width="25%" class="col4">Amount</th>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1">(None)</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3">0</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4">$0.00</td>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3stot">Subtotal</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4stot">$0.00</td>   </tr>  <table width="100%" class="table4"><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1gtot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="10%" class="col2gtot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="40%" class="col3gtot">Susie's Invoice Total</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4gtot">$247.00</td>   </tr>  </table>  <p class="footer">Thank you for your business!</p>  <p class="pagenum">Page&nbsp;3&nbsp;of 7</p><BR style="page-break-before: always"> <div id="pageheader"> <img src="C:\Test\TEST\TEST-Customers\bin\Release\InvoiceHeader.gif" width="678" height="66" alt="Test Document"/> </div> <h1>Detailed Charges Report for&nbsp;Tom Smith</h1> <h2>PerSusiel Assistance Services</h2>  <table width="100%" class="table4"><tr>    <th width="25%" class="col1">Charges</th>    <th width="25%" >&nbsp;</th>    <th width="25%" >QTY</th>    <th width="25%" class="col4">Amount</th>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1">(None)</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4">$0.00</td>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3stot">Subtotal</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4stot">$0.00</td>   </tr>  </table> <h2>Meals &amp; Nutrition</h2>  <table width="100%" class="table4"><tr>    <th width="25%" class="col1">Shipment Date</th>    <th width="25%" class="col2">Meals</th>    <th width="25%" class="col3">QTY</th>    <th width="25%" class="col4">Amount</th>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1">(None)</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3">0</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4">$0.00</td>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3stot">Subtotal</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4stot">$0.00</td>   </tr>  </table> <h2>Transportation Services</h2>  <table width="100%" class="table4"><tr>    <th width="25%" class="col1">Date of Service</th>    <th width="25%" class="col2">Transportation</th>    <th width="25%" class="col3">QTY</th>    <th width="25%" class="col4">Amount</th>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1">(None)</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3">0</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4">$0.00</td>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3stot">Subtotal</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4stot">$0.00</td>   </tr>  </table> <h2>Membership &amp; Service Fees</h2>  <table width="100%" class="table4"><tr>    <th width="25%" class="col1">Fees</th>    <th width="25%" class="col2">&nbsp;</th>    <th width="25%" class="col3">QTY</th>    <th width="25%" class="col4">Amount</th>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1">Family Membership</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3">1</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4">$34.00</td>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3stot">Subtotal</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4stot">$34.00</td>   </tr>  </table> <h2>Home Improvement</h2>  <table width="100%" class="table4"><tr>    <th width="25%" class="col1">Services</th>    <th width="25%" class="col2">&nbsp;</th>    <th width="25%" class="col3">QTY</th>    <th width="25%" class="col4">Amount</th>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1">(None)</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3">0</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4">$0.00</td>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3stot">Subtotal</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4stot">$0.00</td>   </tr>  </table> <h2>PerSusiel Safety &amp; Security</h2>  <table width="100%" class="table4"><tr>    <th width="25%" class="col1">Products</th>    <th width="25%" class="col2">&nbsp;</th>    <th width="25%" class="col3">QTY</th>    <th width="25%" class="col4">Amount</th>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1">(None)</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3">0</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4">$0.00</td>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3stot">Subtotal</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4stot">$0.00</td>   </tr>  </table> <h2>Other</h2>  <table width="100%" class="table4"><tr>    <th width="25%" class="col1">Items</th>    <th width="25%" class="col2">&nbsp;</th>    <th width="25%" class="col3">QTY</th>    <th width="25%" class="col4">Amount</th>   </tr> </table><p class="footer">Thank you for your business!</p><p class="pagenum">Page&nbsp;4&nbsp;of 7</p><BR style="page-break-before: always"><div id="content"> <div id="pageheader"> <img src="C:\Test\TEST\TEST-Customers\bin\Release\InvoiceHeader.gif" width="678" height="66" alt="Test Document"/> </div><h1>Detailed Charges Report for&nbsp;Tom Smith</h1>  <table width="100%" class="table4"> <tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1">(None)</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3">0</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4">$0.00</td>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3stot">Subtotal</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4stot">$0.00</td>   </tr>  <table width="100%" class="table4"><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1gtot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="10%" class="col2gtot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="40%" class="col3gtot">Tom's Invoice Total</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4gtot">$34.00</td>   </tr>  </table>  <p class="footer">Thank you for your business!</p>  <p class="pagenum">Page&nbsp;5&nbsp;of 7</p><BR style="page-break-before: always"> <div id="pageheader"> <img src="C:\Test\TEST\TEST-Customers\bin\Release\InvoiceHeader.gif" width="678" height="66" alt="Test Document"/> </div> <h1>Detailed Charges Report for&nbsp;Bobby Smith</h1> <h2>PerSusiel Assistance Services</h2>  <table width="100%" class="table4"><tr>    <th width="25%" class="col1">Charges</th>    <th width="25%" >&nbsp;</th>    <th width="25%" >QTY</th>    <th width="25%" class="col4">Amount</th>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1">Ouch</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3">5:15 hours</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4">$63.00</td>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3stot">Subtotal</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4stot">$63.00</td>   </tr>  </table> <h2>Meals &amp; Nutrition</h2>  <table width="100%" class="table4"><tr>    <th width="25%" class="col1">Shipment Date</th>    <th width="25%" class="col2">Meals</th>    <th width="25%" class="col3">QTY</th>    <th width="25%" class="col4">Amount</th>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1">(None)</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3">0</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4">$0.00</td>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3stot">Subtotal</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4stot">$0.00</td>   </tr>  </table> <h2>Transportation Services</h2>  <table width="100%" class="table4"><tr>    <th width="25%" class="col1">Date of Service</th>    <th width="25%" class="col2">Transportation</th>    <th width="25%" class="col3">QTY</th>    <th width="25%" class="col4">Amount</th>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1">(None)</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3">0</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4">$0.00</td>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3stot">Subtotal</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4stot">$0.00</td>   </tr>  </table> <h2>Membership &amp; Service Fees</h2>  <table width="100%" class="table4"><tr>    <th width="25%" class="col1">Fees</th>    <th width="25%" class="col2">&nbsp;</th>    <th width="25%" class="col3">QTY</th>    <th width="25%" class="col4">Amount</th>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1">(None)</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3">0</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4">$0.00</td>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3stot">Subtotal</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4stot">$0.00</td>   </tr>  </table> <h2>Home Improvement</h2>  <table width="100%" class="table4"><tr>    <th width="25%" class="col1">Services</th>    <th width="25%" class="col2">&nbsp;</th>    <th width="25%" class="col3">QTY</th>    <th width="25%" class="col4">Amount</th>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1">(None)</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3">0</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4">$0.00</td>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3stot">Subtotal</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4stot">$0.00</td>   </tr>  </table> <h2>PerSusiel Safety &amp; Security</h2>  <table width="100%" class="table4"><tr>    <th width="25%" class="col1">Products</th>    <th width="25%" class="col2">&nbsp;</th>    <th width="25%" class="col3">QTY</th>    <th width="25%" class="col4">Amount</th>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1">(None)</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3">0</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4">$0.00</td>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3stot">Subtotal</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4stot">$0.00</td>   </tr>  </table> <h2>Other</h2>  <table width="100%" class="table4"><tr>    <th width="25%" class="col1">Items</th>    <th width="25%" class="col2">&nbsp;</th>    <th width="25%" class="col3">QTY</th>    <th width="25%" class="col4">Amount</th>   </tr> </table><p class="footer">Thank you for your business!</p><p class="pagenum">Page&nbsp;6&nbsp;of 7</p><BR style="page-break-before: always"><div id="content"> <div id="pageheader"> <img src="C:\Test\TEST\TEST-Customers\bin\Release\InvoiceHeader.gif" width="678" height="66" alt="Test Document"/> </div><h1>Detailed Charges Report for&nbsp;Bobby Smith</h1>  <table width="100%" class="table4"> <tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1">(None)</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3">0</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4">$0.00</td>   </tr><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col2stot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="25%" class="col3stot">Subtotal</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4stot">$0.00</td>   </tr>  <table width="100%" class="table4"><tr>    <td width="25%" class="col1gtot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="10%" class="col2gtot">&nbsp;</td>    <td width="40%" class="col3gtot">Bobby's Invoice Total</td>    <td width="25%" class="col4gtot">$63.00</td>   </tr>  </table>  <p class="footer">Thank you for your business!</p>  <p class="pagenum">Page&nbsp;7&nbsp;of 7</p></div></body></html>



frmObj.axD.DocumentHTML = strMyStream

call failed to load the stream, it simply loaded a blank document.

Does anyone know if this is possible ?


Here is the stream:

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