I do not think anything like that should be "released" by the core team. There has been more than one module developed in the way you describe and "released".
If the code can be made available with clear intentions and management of expectations then that could be acceptable, but I believe anyone releasing code as open source should stand behind what they are releasing and be prepared to help people understand it. If the project is specifically labled as "sample" code with no version numbers then expectations should not get out of line.
Clear seperation between code for developers and "released" modules for end users needs to be given.
Just because someone "official" developed it does not mean it should be released through official channels. I understand there is some presure to make these projects available, but it is the responsibilty of the people in charge to properly manage those pressures so that misconceptions like that with the "what's new" module are not common.
On the other hand, if someone in the community is willing to take the sample code and enhance it, and then support it, then that should be encouraged. It does not have to be brought back in and made official to encourage further development and support either.
Is it just me, or does anyone else see what I am saying is exactly how DotNetNuke (IBuySpy Workshop) started out?