Hello Community,
I am both announcing a project, and requesting help with that project. I’ve launched http://www.dnnreactor.com . Many of you have probably read my sorry attempts to help others in their struggle, to help them understand better how DNN works and how great it can be.
I’ve begun development of a “program” that I think will help the DNN community, provide valuable content, and work well within the philosophy of the DNN community as a whole.
Details can be found on my website, and the idea is still in super “alpha” phase, as it requires your participation to become viable.
What I need is a few good people, preferably with a background in teaching, or just people who are good at communicating.
The idea is basically for these people to create a central repository(on my server) for articles via the blog module. These articles will then be promoted as a general news feed/feeds available to the DNN community to incorporate into their news feed modules.
I’m thinking these articles need to take a small step back in the user assumptions for the normal DNN user. More tips, tricks, ideas, tutorials etc.
In return for posting articles you’ll obviously be expected to list your website in each article within reason, to help gain reputation, and some respect.
A recommended method would be at the end of the blog, to link back to your site and your full blog.
I do not want this to turn into a free for all, membership in this program will be granted by my own determination and will be monitored for participation levels, simply to prevent abuse and reward participation.
There will be a discussion forum for this project on DNNReactor.com, where we can get together and decide if any new direction should be taken in the project!
Let’s give back, and provide some good content at the same time. The folks who developed DNN provided us a great product, lets provide them some great content!
Josh Martin
Umm...I think this may be the wrong forum for this post now that I re-read the guidlines :->. Please advice/move or delete.
Thank you.