I had a problem with one of my sites a few weeks ago, essentially the database corrupted and the backup provided by my ISP failed.
The original site had over 3500 users which I would like to reimport to the new site.
The tables Users and UserProfile contains all the necessary information I need to compile a spreadsheet and reimport using Bulk User Manager, however I lack the necessary SQL skills in order to manipulate the two tables in order to view the data in any meaningful way.
The database was populated from dotnetnuke version 4.5.x
The table details are:
Table Name: Users
Columns: UserID, Username, FirstName, LastName, IsSuperUser, AffliateID, Email, DisplayName, UpdatePassword
Table Name: UserProfile
Columns: ProfileID, UserID, PropertyDefinitionID, PropertyValue, PropertyText, Visibility, LastUpdatedDate
I am looking to create view where each user is listed with each PropertyDefinitionID as a column and the corresponding PropertyValue underneath.
Thanks in advance