I know "ideally" you should have one Portal per installation - otherwise issues "may arise". But here's the deal. A couple friends and I are planning on developing some sites (4) in our spare time. We have a couple 3rd party modules that are "per installtion" that we can piggy back off of - but I have absolutely no problem with purchasing the module for each site - once ready to go live and we move them to their own install. We host with powerdnn and love them! Great speed - un-rivaled in my opinion. Well worth the $20/per month.
BUT!!!! I cannot fathom paying $20/month for sites that are simply in development. - and will be for 6 months to 1+ year(s). Again - in our spare time. So, my "solution" is to piggy back these 4 portals onto a current installtion - to piggy back some of the modules - until the site is ready to go live. At which point we would like to split them onto their own installs.
I would think by copying the whole site to another temp domain - I could go in and delete the "extra" portals from it - and re-purchase the 3rd party modules and be up in business - "worry free".
So - please - can anyone help me brainstorm some legitamate Pros and Cons from this approach?
Pros: ---
1 site for 1 year in development costs approx. $540 for 1 year IN DEVELOPMENT ~~ $240 in hosting, $300+ in 3rd party modules
4 sites = $2160 saved while sites are in development and piggy backed!!!
Could have possible issues from deleting other portals -- But this seems to be the great "It removes toxins from the body" scheme.
Any input is appreciated. Any one with experience doing something like this? Thanks!