Hi all
I am using the dnn:texteditor control in a WAP developed module and doesn't get any information in the Text property on Postback (submit update button) ... is this a known problem?
I am using WAP DotNetNuke development and VS 2005 and DNN 4.08.02 and the code is taken straight out of the source code of the DotNetNuke.Announcements module .... I am thinking of the fact that DotNetNuke.Announcements module isn't a WAP developed module and as such this could be the fault? does that make any sence....
<%@ Register TagPrefix="dnn" TagName="TextEditor" Src="~/controls/TextEditor.ascx"%>
<dnn:texteditor id="teDescription" runat="server" width="550" height="300"></dnn:texteditor>
Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles cmdUpdate.Click
' verify data
If Page.IsValid = True Then
Dim objAnnouncement As New AnnouncementInfo
objAnnouncement = CType(CBO.InitializeObject(objAnnouncement, GetType(AnnouncementInfo)), AnnouncementInfo)
' populate object
objAnnouncement.ItemId = itemId
objAnnouncement.ModuleId = ModuleId
objAnnouncement.CreatedByUser = UserInfo.UserID
objAnnouncement.CreatedDate = Now
objAnnouncement.Title = txtTitle.Text
objAnnouncement.ImageSource = urlImage.Url
objAnnouncement.Description = teDescription.Text
objAnnouncement.Url = ctlURL.Url
objAnnouncement.PublishDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtPublishDate.Text, Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture)
objAnnouncement.ExpireDate = Null.NullDate
If txtExpireDate.Text.Trim <> "" Then
objAnnouncement.ExpireDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtExpireDate.Text, Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture)
End Try
End If
If txtViewOrder.Text <> "" Then
objAnnouncement.ViewOrder = Convert.ToInt32(txtViewOrder.Text)
End If
' add or update
Dim objAnnouncements As New AnnouncementsController
If Common.Utilities.Null.IsNull(itemId) Then
End If
' refresh cache
' url tracking
Dim objUrls As New UrlController
objUrls.UpdateUrl(PortalId, ctlURL.Url, ctlURL.UrlType, ctlURL.Log, ctlURL.Track, ModuleId, ctlURL.NewWindow)
' redirect back to page
Response.Redirect(NavigateURL(), True)
End If
Catch exc As Exception
ProcessModuleLoadException(Me, exc)
End Try
End Sub
It gives blank property on teDescription.Text even though I am as a user putting in value there