Figured I'd ask here also. Going on to phase two of my DotNetNuke degree, I'm attempting to write a module to integrate with Catalook. My example uses catalook specifically, but I think there is a good lesson in here somewhere on how to take advantage of source code from other modules and include in your own.
I want to duplicate certain controls, in a new module definition. This way I don't screw up catalook, or create some disaster.
I"m using VS2008.
Using the _ProductMainData.ascx control as an example, here is what I attempted to do:
1) Copy _ProductMainData.ascx to my own module definition (/desktopmodules/RadCat)
2) Copy the source code vb file (_ProductMainData.ascx.vb) to the same folder (I may have the file names wrong...Im' typing this from memory).
3) Change the filenames to ProductMainData.ascx and ProductMainData.ascx.vb
3) Change the namespace in the code behind file from CATALook to something of my own (DNNReactor.Modules.Addons.CATALook)
4) Change the "control" line of the .ascx file to reflect the new namespace and codebehind:
OLD: <%@ Control Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" Inherits="CATALooK.ProductMainData" %>
NEW: <%@ Control Language="vb" AutoEventWireup="false" Codebehind="ProductMainData.ascx.vb" Inherits="DNNReactor.Modules.Addons.CATALook" %>
So...I assumed it would be that easy, but as ususal in my novice world it isn't. I'm missign some steps, cause I get all kinds of errors...missing object types etc.
Anyone done this in the past who could help me set up this scenario?
The whole goal is to not screw up the original catalook functions, and rather just keep them installed and available to me, but drop this module in as an addon so that I can create a very simple interface for my customers to use, with just the fields they want.