Ok, so I've been chipping away at this and my report is coming out awesome. Its gathering announcements and email newsletters from across the site and headlining them in this report that will later be my home page 'headlines' I also have a html template visualizer formatting the report content. My question is is there a way to render the html found in the columns I'm querying on the final report page? Its currently displaying all the content as well as the html tags. Can this be done on the visualizer template? I tried using 'set markup html on' but it didn't seem to work with the query (my version of mssql didn't seem to recognize it), but then again I could be using it wrong.
Thanks - sql below...
select [date],headline,content
from (
select top 2 sentdatetime as [date],subject as headline,CAST(PERSONALIZEDNEWSLETTER AS Nvarchar(4000)) AS CONTENT
from datasprings_optinemailpreviousnewsletter
order by sentdatetime desc
) as a
select [date],headline,content
from (
select top 10 createddate as [date],title as headline,cast(description as nvarchar(4000)) as content
from announcements
where moduleid = '3197'
or moduleid = '2960'
or moduleid = '3485'
or moduleid = '3093'
or moduleid = '2742'
or moduleid = '3570'
or moduleid = '3199'
order by createddate desc
) as b
order by [date] desc