Oliver Hine wrote
Seems like the BrowserSupportsFunctionality function in both the DNNMenu and the SolPart Menu is throwing the error ...
For some reason one of the google bots is causing a bunch of errors, f'ing around with the caps file for ages didn't seem to get it going like the above fix... So I downloaded the WebControls package to get the PDB up on my server to get some useful traces...
Without really getting into the new DNNMenu control, it looks like a minor bug DNNMenu\MenuNodeWriter.vb, Line 104.... Which has a really nice friendly if statement...
If objLastNode Is Nothing ...
If objLastNode.ID = m_Node.ID ...
End If
Just a guess, but if the object is nothing, what makes you think it would hold an ID value?
Is SEO not part of the "community" edition?
ok, 20 minutes later and after going into a little bit of depth I guess we should change line 104 to...
If objLastNode IsNot Nothing AndAlso objLastNode.ID = m_Node.ID AndAlso (String.IsNullOrEmpty(strParentID) = False AndAlso strParentID <> Me.m_Node.DNNMenu.ClientID) Then