Sherlock : this is not a definitive guide, a quick google search will help you there. But here's a minimum of what you'll need to do:
- backup your database and restore it to your production server
- create your application directory on the production server, and set it up as an IIS application. The directory does not matter, as long as you get the domain name correct. You can do this before setting up your dnn site. You want to see the domain name returning a default file so that you know you have it set up correctly.
- check the iis configuration to see it is running the 2.0 for your site.
- copy all of your install files up to your production server
- modify the web.config connection strings to suit the production db server
- modify the portal alias table to make sure your production domain name is in the list of portal aliases
try out your site and deal with any errors as they appear.