I have read this thread with great interest as we are in the process of starting a review of our existing architecture.
We currently work on the single DNN application with multiple child portals and we have about 200 or so child portals. Each portal has about 10 pages (this is important to note as you will see further down my post).
Normally we have very few problems with this.
However we do have MAJOR issues with HOST activities such as creating new child portals, installing new modules and even updating host settings.
The main issue seems to be that when actioning one of these events, DNN has to clear down cache. To do this it goes through every single module on every single tab on every single portal. So if reference to my point above if we have 200 portals each with about 10 pages and then each page having multiple modules on, you can see that this is a great deal of work.
We have had serious issues with the portal timing out during one of these actions (the most serious are module installs that appear to fail halfway through installation due to this timeout issue). This has caused our live site to go down and as you can imagine this causes a great deal of stress for everyone.
I would be very interested to know if other users who also operate the single DNN installation/multiple child portals suffer from similar problems? If they have had these issues, what have you done to try and resolve the problem?
Also with our requirements (~200 child portals), our infrastructure manager is not surprisingly reluctant to create 10’s or possibly even 100’s of DNN installations!!