Hi John,
Thanks for your response. Yes I have tried this before and there are a couple of issues. The thing for me is that like 90% of the client complaints I have with their DNN sites revolve around FCK formatting and issues. I might have a few users that can change the text in a module and if in FCK they change or do anything in Rich Text vs basic, then save it, it will often add loads of code <div> font stuff, p tags, bad. I hear from them.
Also, when you do as you suggest, notice that after you save something that way then go back to it is all 'smashed' together and nearly impossible for them to find where an image is, table row, etc.
So what I need is something I can get it looking the way they want then add things like:
<-- change image by replacing link where x is src="x" -->
<img height="60" width="60" src="http://www.website.com/photo.jpg" alt="" />
<-- change title by replacing text between <h1> and </h1> -->
<h1>Title Here</h1>
So if the html code is 'spread out' they can find those items, change, save, and things look the way they should.
I really need to totally bypass FCK.