I like that phrase - 'it's only worth as much someone is willing to pay for it' - so old, yet so incredibly accurate and it goes down to perception of value to a person, depending on what they want to do with it.
I purchased DNNSKINS.COM in 2006. It was offered to me asI had been involved with skinning and it looked at least like it could have an extended life.
I would be looking at the traffic, membership and evaluating what you're actually going to do with it. If you think it's going to help you in your business, then it may be worth an investment.
By the way - it was in the thousands - what I paid for DNNSKINS.COM - and that was when there were 27,000 users, and now I have 75,000 users on there.
I know that ActiveModules purchased dnnfusion - but that was the product i guess, not the site - I am not sure how much was paid, I only have heresay and we all know about the 'ass u me' comments. I ain't going there.
Here's a bit of a time killer - http://www.wmtips.com/tools/info/ - put in the URL and see what comes of it.. and then there is http://www.alexa.com - to view traffic ranks.. ... do a search on google how many times they are being searched.. and either way you'll justify whether it's for you or not. 
Good luck - keep us posted if you're bought a mini empire..
So, yes there is always opportunity, but you have to evaluate what it's worth for you moving forward.