Great turning of this. Lets lay it all down

Well my point was to get a debate on how to get a valid output code.
And now we are talking. Good.
As I stated on the site, I have read posts that dates more then two years back about people rquesting valid xhtml output. And little have changed before OBrien. I never get tired of mentioning him. Well to be serious, I have asked people to make a team that will try to work with changing this. The respons was low, except from dear nina. So I put that thought to rest for now.
I will be the first one saying assumption is the mother of all fxxk ups. Of course I do not know how the core team thinks, and that was out of line. Sry. Do remember that I do not have english as my first laguage, so if my words sounds strange, just ask for me to clear it for you, and I will. Surely I have not intended any disrespect to anyone, and not the coreteam in particular. This could be that when I am writing here, I actually translate from my mother tongue in my head into english as I type.
But this does not change the fact that the xhtml issue have been raised for more the two years ago, and we are still not there. Sure, I am new, but I have spend hours and hours reading on the forum trying to learn the most about the framework. And I will be waiting in line to join a team that will get some work done on this erea. Surely it is doable. I have yet to take the code as a whole into pieces, so I do not know where all the cjanges need to go, but that was why I tried to get people to join forces in the first place.
Well I am off skiing and drinking beers. Easter for me.
Cu all in week, or sooner if I find wireless where we are going.